I eventually moved to Prague because of my frustration with this great big baby in diapers shitting and throwing up all over the place, teething on whatever it could find.
I'd no more scribble all over a first edition of "Paradise Lost" than I'd give my baby a set of crayons and an original Rembrandt!
Thus christened, my old identity began to fade, much as a baby will not remember all that happened before it is born.
I assure my baby brother that no one would be able to deduce anything about his disease risks - about anything at all he might want to keep to himself - from the test.
I chose this way because my blog is my baby, it's where I can channel all my best ideas and feelings creatively and share it with the world.
With that, my beautiful, mop-topped, brown eyed baby boy finds the "on" switch and starts running my big ol 'dildo all over his head. "Like this, Mama?"
It all hurts my feelings, and I go home and I have to take medication to sleep. Usually half a baby aspirin gets it.
In a corner, I had stacked all the unused baby things my son has grown out of.
Steven: I'd rather have my weekends free. You know, with the baby and all.
My parents take care of me all the time, they tell me that even I grow up, in their eyes, I will be their baby always.
All my friends are pregnant or planning to get pregnant, or else they've already had a baby!
Parent: My baby has been running a low temperature for two days. This morning I noticed there was a rash all over her body.
I only use natural makeup and toiletries, and California Baby is one of my all-time favorite products.
Didn't invite the Mother of my child to a baby shower you all were trying to throw for me! !
I make all my own baby food, so I needed a food storage system that worked for us - and these are perfect!
"When she reached out to pick up the broom, mother found her blisters on the leg, is so love dearly, blame myself:" all my bad, let the baby to suffer, is mama.
I did that gladly and dont regret for one minute putting my baby first and the stage second, which Im sure all the mums among you will understand.
When my town had a baby boom, the hospitals were all full of pregnant women and the doctors got tired.
I am my family are all you want this baby, it is particularly worried that this Gynecopathy baby will adversely affect the development?
I am my family are all you want this baby, it is particularly worried that this Gynecopathy baby will adversely affect the development?