But Polly was picky. None of the local boys suited her, and neither did the fellows from the back country.
I started thinking about this a lot on real paths, ones in the mountains and back country of where I live in Southern California.
Some of Prince Edward Island's loveliest fall foliage can be seen along a series of back country drives knows as the Scenic Heritage Roads.
Seen from the air, the capital's back country seemed a sea of paddy fields, and it was hard to believe that two decades ago, rice had to be imported to this area.
Canada's Prince Edward Island has breath-taking fall foliage, with some of its best views showcased along a series of back country drives knows as the Scenic Heritage Roads.
The house is currently run as a country inn, but could easily convert back into a private residence.
With more scholars coming back from overseas, and with the concerted efforts of the whole nation, we have reasons to expect a faster rejuvenation of this country.
You could back off to see the state, the country, the continent, even the globe itself.
You can have a painting or sculpture in the salon and go back to your home country, saying you've been a success in Paris.
Though the overseas university had promised the scientist with fortune and fame, he was determined to go back and serve his mother country.
I have managed to convince myself that if it weren't for my job I would immediately head out for the open spaces and go back to nature in some sleepy village buried in the country.
We wondered whether we should move back to our home country Brazil.
When I finish my training in Canada, I will go back to China and start a business, so I can give something back to the country.
In which country are people advised to pat on the back?
It SEEMED that Kenya had pulled out of its nosedive into violence earlier this week-until the "big man" complex pulled the country back towards disaster.
"Rebuilding" and "recovery" would merely take Haiti, this hemisphere's poorest country, back to where it stood before the Jan. 12 earthquake.
This is a big responsibility for all of us, to stay in Iraq, to get educated and to give our share to, back to the community and back to the country.
But will that push the country back into its past, or propel it into a more ambitious future?
Frost, when he goes north of Boston, goes back to the country, goes in, in a sense, the opposite direction that America is going.
But some customers whisper the warning: "After the World Cup is over, you'd better run back to your country."
With college students around the country heading back to school in the coming weeks, the hunt for cheap textbooks is on.
If anyone has typified this, it has been Maicon of Inter – another brilliant right-back from the country which produced Carlos Alberto and Cafu.
It is about the ability of its policymakers to get their arms around the problems, and put the country back on the path of growth, jobs, and prosperity.
With dauntless persistence, a sharp vision of what Russia should become and a sense that he embodied the spirit of Mother Russia, Putin has put his country back on the map.
With dauntless persistence, a sharp vision of what Russia should become and a sense that he embodied the spirit of Mother Russia, Putin has put his country back on the map.