I've given this strategy its name because in most cases, back-end processing functionality is exposed to client applications through the use of interfaces or an API.
This is an important additional capability because a solution that leverages new sensor data could evolve beyond a single back-end processing system.
In this way, if, at a later date, you decide to change the PHP back end for something else, it will still work if the "processing job type" strings match.
Therefore, you need an additional component to handle the processing of this back-end call.
The remainder of back-end processing for the web application is handled with PHP.
In this article, we're going to add the crucial back-end processing, as well as the Ajax-specific code to hook the gallery up to the back end.
These actions involve direct interaction between users and back-end systems (Order Processing system) and indicate a Self-Service business pattern.
这些操作包括指导用户与后端系统(预定处理系统)进行交互,并指定一个自服务(Self - Service)的业务模式。
For example a point-of-sale system often requires a responsive sophisticated user interface that is created on the desktop computer but is linked to other components that perform back-end processing.
Relevant return data will then be extracted and passed to ird back - end system for further processing , including issuing of tax assessment.
The order pipeline, which can be regarded as the processing flow in operation of fund flow and logistics, is the key component interacting between back-end and the supply chain.
We can categorize many state-of-the-art environment compensation approaches into two classes: the front-end and the back-end (acoustic model) processing approaches.
The concept is that you can mix and match user interactions with highly scalable and on-demand back-end processing.
And the end of cornices which we called "pixel cornice." is using jagged back channel processing.
But the transmission and storage of the sampled data are limited by the speed of other signal processing devices, which used in the back-end of the system.
The front-end is responsible for collecting input in various forms from the user and processing it to conform to a specification the back-end can use.
The application of the structure in the front-end of starring IR system will be time saving for the back-end processing. It is a fast a…
The application of the structure in the front-end of starring IR system will be time saving for the back-end processing. It is a fast a…