For instance, sociologists have found much evidence that the size of a community is associated with bad behavior including gambling, drugs, etc.
As a teenager I blamed my bad behavior on their flaws.
十多岁的时候,我把我所有的坏行为都归咎于他们的毛病。 “我可是你生的,”我用手指着爸爸喊道。
He remembers him as a hotheaded kid who was sometimes taken out of a game for bad behavior.
The exorbitant tolls, rather than the man's bad behavior, provoked a storm of public reaction.
Having different rates in different channels leads to long-term, and short-term, bad behavior.
You want to feel in control, so you assume as long as you avoid bad behavior, you won’t be harmed.
You want to feel in control, so you assume as long as you avoid bad behavior, you won't be harmed.
While your designs can never control people, they can encourage good behavior and discourage bad behavior.
ABA essentially breaks down behavior patterns in order to reward good behavior and not reward bad behavior.
Avoid ignoring bad behavior or waiting to talk about it. Address a rule as soon as your child breaks it.
Some allow anonymous posting; othersrequire a sign-up with a valid email address in order to deter bad behavior.
Airlines already blacklist passengers for all sorts of reasons, from bad behavior to breaking their ticket rules.
Instead of waiting around for human nature to change, let's start to rein in bad behavior by promoting accountability.
So instead of taking the boss's antagonistic attitude personally, try to understand the reason for the bad behavior.
Andrea Yates came to believe that her children were engaged in such bad behavior that they were going to end up in hell.
The most effective teachers are warm and affectionate - and when trying to correct bad behavior they remain calm, not punitive.
Planned reactions to bad behavior can help you remain calm and in control and will ensure your discipline is the same each time.
Yet any such drug, Dr. Hyman and others argue, could be misused to erase or block memories of bad behavior, even of crimes.
The case of Georgia shows that bad behavior by many small Banks can do as much damage as misbehavior by a few financial giants.
There's evidence to suggest negative exchanges motivate partners to change and avoid the bad behavior in the future, McNulty said.
Why this is a mistake: If one child lets Fifi on the bed and another punishes her for it, the animal will be confused. Bad behavior is inevitable.
Yet again, I find myself doubting tabloid claims of real mental illness and prefer to attribute bad behavior to spoiled narcissism or histrionic acting out.
The set is similar to those used on "the Weakest Link" and "Deal or No Deal," but the object of this game is to prod seemingly nice people to admit bad behavior.
While the sheep don't tend to intentionally walk into false teachingsand bad behavior, but the world, the flesh and the devil willattempt to lead us astray into such.
For another, the bad behavior of commercial bribery is largely driven by “profit”, showing that those people who are involved in bribery do not have a right view on money.
For another, the bad behavior of commercial bribery is largely driven by “profit”, showing that those people who are involved in bribery do not have a right view on money.