With so much bad debt out there - and no one really knows how much there is - Banks around the world have become extremely risk-averse.
If regulators assist every industry that takes on more debt than it can handle or makes bad business decisions, the intervention can encourage more reckless risk-taking.
Hedge funds and Banks around the world purchased bonds, or risk related to bonds, backed by bad home loans in the form of collateralized debt obligations (CDOs).
Risk appetite has started the week on a bad footing as troika talks in Washington over the weekend failed to produce any clear news or solutions for the ongoing debt crisis.
Measurement of account receivable risk contains loss to give up other profit opportunity, expense burdened by enterprises, bad debt loss.
Enterprises should be fully estimated bad debt losses that may occur will be the impact of gains and losses, bad debts on schedule extract prepared to break down the risk of bad debt losses.
The risk to the investor is that of bad debt and the business being unable to fully repay the loan.
The risk to the investor is that of bad debt and the business being unable to fully repay the loan.