Film critics aren't supposed to confess bafflement at the end of a review, but that's what I feel here.
However, the interview, conducted by Patti Smith, shows Depp was unfazed by the studio's bafflement.
But their bafflement turned to suspicion when it emerged that Oide apparently had everything to live for.
Regional dialects vary extensively in the space of a few miles, resulting in bafflement even among locals.
What I feel now is a sense of bafflement: why did I deprive myself the pleasure of chamber music for so long?
I responded with typical teenage indifference and bafflement born of ignorance. "Sheez, Mom, I'm only an hour away."
Seeing the spreading bafflement on the Brown' faces, he adds 'It's his philosophical position and beliefs I'm trying to get at here.
If there is one thing I know from experience, for most people, their "roaring twenties" are a time of exploration, confusion, and utter bafflement.
He highlights neatly (and hilariously) Waugh’s demonic streak of prankishness: insisting to the bafflement and fury of all and sundry that Tito, the Yugoslav leader, was a woman.
At first there is worldwide moral outrage; next, earnest promises that "something must be done"; then, when rapid solutions fail to work, bafflement and finally a sense of hapless resignation.
At first there is worldwide moral outrage; next, earnest promises that "something must be done"; then, when rapid solutions fail to work, bafflement and finally a sense of hapless resignation.