The bandy is small but deadly and in an area where people work in an open sandals or even on barefoot, there are few protective measures.
I'm not going to bandy words with you.
An upstart like that dares to bandy words with me!
The optimal throw of the dice is to bandy them abroad.
Sambo of the bandy legs slammed the carriage door on his young weeping mistress.
In his grandpa jeans, Nick Clegg looks like a bandy-legged postman who has just got the sack.
Normally I'd go to play bandy or ice hockey but now after the surgery I have had to take a bit more calmly.
"Yes; and just behold that bandy-legged Hopper, will you? I could walk better than that myself," said the other.
Pan Changjiang play bandy legs are the most interesting, and his antics, witty statement audience of pain laughing!
He had short, bandy legs, long straggly ginger hair and bloodshot, baggy eyes that gave him the doleful look of a basset hound.
We grow out of having short bandy legs and no teeth. We would also grow out of having a naked skin if it proved to be a disadvantage.
The bandy is small but deadly and in an area where people work in an open sandals or even on barefoot, there is very little protection against been bitten.
The bandy is small but deadly and in an area where people work in an open sandals or even on barefoot, there is very little protection against been bitten.