If GLaDOS isn't the bar-none best character in videogame history, she's certainly the most memorable.
The comfort, the durability, the looks, this backpack was bar-none the best that I've experienced ever. Little did I know that it would offer even more that all of this.
I took her to a sushi restaurant and sat across from her, but after a few minutes it was clear her face showed none of the same enthusiasm as at the bar.
At Oswiak's you can drink at the bar if you want to, but none of the regulars do.
One day, hanging around in a bar waiting to be served, she noticed that none of the beer line-up was aimed at women.
In fact, the Action Bar applet is even more complex than I suggested previously, because it is composed of several component panels, none of which, unfortunately, matches the individual buttons.
He bade me go and leave the door wide open. "None of your keyholes for me, sonny," he said; and I left them together and retired into the bar.
None of the big accountancy firms wants churn rates to fall too far, if only to keep the performance bar high.
But one day, at a busy bar, I was standing there waiting for service, and got none.
None of Russia's other friends—bar, belatedly, Belarus and Venezuela—has volunteered support.
None of Russia's other friends—bar, belatedly, Belarus and Venezuela—has volunteered support.