Thicker buffers could be built into the Basel II framework for bank capital.
It's also about bank regulation, such as the Basel Accord, Basel I and Basel II.
To some extent, the subprime crisis is a failure of Basel II, which is not even fully born yet.
This was achieved by assigning very low risk weightings to a bank's assets under the Basel II treatment.
The biggest flaw of risk-based capital regimes such as the current Basel II, is that they are pro-cyclical.
Basel II will be the first operational risk measurement and capital into the Banks under its jurisdiction.
Basel II encourages the banking industry to use more sophisticated risk management methodologies and tools.
1basel II鼓励银行业使用更为复杂的风险管理方法和工具。
Basel II is just now being implemented in most Basel Committee-member countries and many jurisdictions around the globe.
Some Banks that might not be able to meet these prerequisites at their Basel II deadline need to take a less sophisticated approach.
一些在他们的Basel II截止时间之前达不到这些先决条件的银行需要采用不那么复杂的方法。
Reached a new Basel II risk management level, the Gansu Provincial Communications branch of risk management capacity is a severe test.
Bank management using Basel II-data: is the collection, storage and evaluation of data calculated with internal approaches dispensable?
The occurrence of subprime crisis aroused the doubts on the efficiency of Basel II, leading to the reconsideration of its supervision framework.
The paper aims systematically at investigating how to use public credit registry(PCR) to serve capital regulation of banking system under Basel II.
Much of the rest was being spent on implementing new regulatory capital standards known as Basel II and Solvency II, said Kari Hale, a Deloitte partner.
德勤合伙人卡瑞•赫尔表示,其余部分大多用于执行新巴塞尔协议(Basel II)和SolvencyII这两项新的资本监管标准。
As the Basel II bank capital rules clearly showed, international agreement is slow in arriving and, when it does arrive, it is likely to prove inadequate.
Many organizations are introduced to governance concepts as they begin the process of complying with business regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley or Basel II.
许多组织引入治理的概念,因为它们开始商业法规,例如Sarbanes - Oxley或Basel II,的遵从过程。
This system has worked well for twenty years now but it is being superseded by another Basel Convention -basel II -which has been going on for some years now.
It's also about bank regulation, such as the Basel Accord, Basel I and Basel II. I also want to talk about the impact of information and technology on banking.
Nowadays, Basel II is the most recent set of rules intended to achieve an optimal level of capitalization subject to the constraints imposed both by Banks and regulators.
Recent industry regulations such as Sarbanes Oxley, Basel II, and CFR 21 part 11 can place onerous overheads on SCM processes, particularly with respect to change control.
最近的行业法规,例如SarbanesOxley、Basel II,和CFR21Part11会向s CM过程施加繁重的管理成本,特别是关于变更控制的方面。
Core principles of effective banking supervision and Basel II, as guidelines of global banking supervision, advocate the principles-based regulation and market discipline.
In recent years, according to the Basel II, Chinese Commercial Banks established and implemented Enterprise-wide Risk Management strategies gradually, and achieved good results.
Legislative and policy changes can require significant changes to company operations (e.g. SOX, BASEL II etc) and as the result require changes in the governance processes and procedures.
法律和策略的变化可能要求对公司的运营进行重大调整(例如sox、BASEL II等),因此需要调整治理过程。
The problem has been exacerbated by Europe's adoption of a complex Basel II methodology, which essentially lets bank managers use their own judgment in determining the riskiness of their assets.
欧洲采用复杂的巴塞尔协议II (Basel II),进一步激化了这个问题——巴塞尔协议II事实上是让银行高管自己来确定资产的风险水平。
In the age of Sarbanes-Oxley, BASEL II, and other regulatory mandates governing us and international business, the reasons for implementing a compliance management strategy are increasingly clear.
在Sarbanes - Oxley、BASEL II,以及其它强制管理美国和国际商业的时代,执行遵从管理战略的理由日趋明显。
The assessment, which measured banks' financial strength at the end of June, offered a different picture of banks' relative strength to that under the current "Basel II" rules on capital adequacy.
这些评估针对的是各银行在6月底的财务实力,其结果大异于根据现行《新巴塞尔协议》(Basel II)资本充足规定的评估结果。
Those guidelines were even more lax than those of Basel II, with which European Banks were compliant right up until losses on mortgage securities wiped their balance sheets clean of equity capital.
The studies on new basel accord ii.
The studies on new basel accord ii.