Here's a style sheet that defines the basic rule for copying an XML document.
The basic rule is to treat others in the same way you would want to be treated.
This is such a basic rule of netiquette I shouldn't have to say it, but here it is.
The most basic rule, experts said, is the same for disabled children as it is for others.
That's the fundamental principle of quantity and it's a basic rule of our perceived Universe.
This is a basic rule that must be observed as we intensify the self-improvement of the CPC.
Contrast is one of the form rules of art. It is also a basic rule always used in the art form.
Propriety is human's basic rule of morality and conduct, which is a part of our social ethics.
The sociology is the same as other courses which all have a research on an issue of basic rule.
Still, I decided to adhere to another basic rule of treehouse construction: Build on the ground.
This basic rule of acceleration and deceleration of an action also applies to a musical background.
Firstly, the basic rule of seepage in fissured rock mass and the mechanism of the effect are studied.
The basic rule in this section is to give all data relevant to the research question initially asked.
The customer satisfaction has already become a basic rule in the modern enterprises' business practice.
The symmetry is concerning basic rule, which must be followed when the integer was constructed by parts.
Disrupting this basic rule results in the database having to perform a lot more operations to access the data.
A legal principle is a fundament or basic rule which is at the center of a legal system or branch of law.
This is a basic rule of the Semantic Web, but it has always been a fact of metadata usage in machine-readable form.
So, there's two systematic methods, and let's say the basic rule is that you should give both of them a chance.
Conservation of energy may be the most basic rule that scientists have yet discovered concerning the universe.
Bears see the trampling of another basic rule as just one more sign of a stock market gone mad and in for trouble.
A basic rule is never to dive or snorkel unaccompanied. Where possible make any bookings through your tour representative.
The basic rule is if you have one magnitude 9 earthquake, you can have one magnitude 8, 10 magnitude 7s, and 100 magnitude 6s.
The naturalness of slavery is said to follow from the belief that inequality, inequality is the basic rule between human beings.
But at the same time there's no basic rule because when I started at 33, there were many experienced managers but somebody gave me a chance.
A introduction to the basic rule in WTO and related contents in FIDIC and analysis to the relations between WTO and Chinese building industry.
In the course of the sampling, the sampling theorem is a basic rule and points out the least sampling frequency for reconstructing the signals.
This is the basic rule of thumb in business (" 80% of your sales comes from 20% of your clients "), but can also be applied to design and usability.
This is the basic rule of thumb in business (" 80% of your sales comes from 20% of your clients "), but can also be applied to design and usability.