The baton pass of Clemens to Mussina represented 601 career wins, but it also represented current ERAs of 4.45 of 5.51, respectively.
Calculates daily in the diary also has 900 day, Everybody was anticipating with me the Athens Olympic Games' ceremonial fire gives 2004 in the next baton pass Beijing hand.
Hoping to inherit clients from a higher-up usually takes years of work on those accounts, with no guarantee of a payoff if the senior partner then decides to pass the baton to someone else.
The move was part of a clear signal that Howard Stringer would pass the baton to him.
Looking forward to the future, on behalf of the baton is to rely on us to pass on, we have to study hard, to make contributions to the motherland, the motherland in the world in front of the most!
In the future you may be able to purchase computing capacity to serve as a surrogate, to pass the baton from the physical world to the digital world.
Explanation of a spokesman says, professors should be in their 6 7 "pass baton", this is the policy of Cantabrigian university.
Members should pass on the chalk in the way athletes pass on the baton during a real relay race.
The baton will then pass in 2056 to a new generation for the next and possibly harder part of the marathon: cutting the rate of CO2 emissions in half by 2106.
The baton will then pass in 2056 to a new generation for the next and possibly harder part of the marathon: cutting the rate of CO2 emissions in half by 2106.