Up to now, the decision tree method is used to find the optimal solution of a Bayesian decision problem, that is, to select an optimal one from several decision alternatives.
Under the law of maximum shoddy probability, it will have more practical significance for the probabilistic analysis of degree of compaction to use decision analysis and Bayesian method.
Bayesian learning is a probability method that makes optimal decision based on known probability distribution and recently observed data.
The new algorithm combines the merit of decision tree induction method and naive Bayesian method. It retains the good interpretability of decision tree and has good incremental learning ability.
Bayesian reasoning is a traditional thesis in cognitive psychology, and a lot of judgment and decision making in our lives can use this method.
Discussed the deficiency in face detection of BP neural network which was single used, and put forward a re-decision method by Bayesian decision.
Discussed the deficiency in face detection of BP neural network which was single used, and put forward a re-decision method by Bayesian decision.