The study was done in a controlled laboratory environment and further research will be needed to see if the technology can be adapted to accurately show chronic pain.
Simply a state in which the individual happens transiently to be perfectly adapted to his environment.
The idea is to take a small area and make it into a comfortable living environment that can be adapted according to changing needs.
Formal shirt can be worn a tie occurs in formal occasions. It is adapted to the climate and environment, yet the man.
In order to make people who use virtual system to be enmeshed into virtual environment, the virtual system must be adapted to the available sense of human.
The plasticity helps plant to be adapted to adverse environment, nevertheless, but we have to admit that plasticity make it difficult to uncover genetic action from many phenotypic forms.
The agricultural mechanization system must be adapted to and improved the environment, also based on the protection and increase of resources and their permanent utilization.
The test for sterility is carried out under aseptic conditions. In order to achieve such conditions, the test environment has to be adapted to the way in which the sterility test is performed.
However, due to changes in the media environment led to a change in readership habits, in order to continue to maintain this part of loyal readers, newspapers should be adapted to these changes.
The airflow detector is adapted to be positioned in a humidified airflow which is provided to a patient in a hospital environment.
To be sustainable, this sector needs to become adapted in ways that are consistent with the increasing pressures on our environment and threats to its stability, "said Manning."
To be sustainable, this sector needs to become adapted in ways that are consistent with the increasing pressures on our environment and threats to its stability, "said Manning."