Whenever you see China paper cutting, you will be amazed to say what a wonderful art form it is.
Tourists will be amazed to find that Eastern and Western cultures mix so well here.
You will be amazed to know that these pictures are actually paintings.
You'll be amazed to see how many products contain trans fats nowadays.
They'd be amazed to hear that Chance has been toying with them now for years.
You will be amazed to see how many designs and styles there are to choose from.
You will be amazed to know that even people with bad credit are eligible for these programs.
People may be amazed to find the strength that they possess in the midst of being physically attacked.
Americans will be amazed to find ho many of the modern dance steps are relics of the African heritage.
TRANSITION: Many of you may be worried that such a vacation will cost too much. You will be amazed to learn this is not the case.
If you do a search for any keyword, you will be amazed to see that at least 2-3 of the search results are from blogs and in some cases even more than that.
如果你做了搜索任何关键字,你会惊讶地看到,至少有2 - 3的搜索结果都是来自博客,在某些情况下,甚至不止于此。
When they did, they'd be sure to be amazed to discover they'd been missing out on a superior computing experience and that Linux was easy enough for even grandma to use.
Many people, including their mother, were amazed at what seemed to be genuine contact with the dead.
Amazed at my classmates' fluent spoken English, I was determined to be as good as they were.
If your back garden shed is cluttered with a broken lawnmower, rusty bicycles and a range of unused garden tools then prepare to be amazed.
Paul thought that if everyone had the chance to follow a politician for a day, they'd be amazed.
You'd be amazed at the difference it makes in your attitude to life.
Positive worry: over the years, we continue to be amazed about the consistency with which people in love report to us that they "worry about their lover" when they are not around.
Positive worry: Over the years, we continue to be amazed about the consistency with which people in love report to us that they “worry about their lover” when they are not around.
I was amazed at how I could be connected to the world even in this small town.
You would be amazed at how many people neglect to look closely at the label of food products before buying them, and then are dismayed to find they bought something they really didn't want.
I never cease to be amazed at the power of the coaching process to draw out the skills or talent that was previously hidden within an individual.
You will be amazed at how people, even strangers will light up when you say something next to them.
Son John, 67, says he continues to be amazed by his parents, their relationship and their lives.
When you’re just about to run on empty, pull over to the nearest gas station to load up. You’ll be amazed at how much money you’ll save at the end of the month or the year.
I read it probably a dozen times from ages 15 to 17, and was amazed to discover that fiction could be, of all things, playful.
If you look at one of our factories, you will be amazed at how similar you might find it either to a bakery or a chocolate factory or in some cases a semiconductor factory.
But more amazingly, he knows them to be true, and the explanation fits so well he's amazed he didn't see it already. At some level he already sensed it.
But more amazingly, he knows them to be true, and the explanation fits so well he's amazed he didn't see it already. At some level he already sensed it.