Christie's will be anxious about whether this momentum can be sustained.
Let us not be anxious about it, but wait with patience till the gates of pearl shall open.
Do not be anxious about anything, put in everything by prayer and petition. With Thanksgiving present your requests to God.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Therefore don't be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day's own trouble be sufficient for the day.
My brother seemed to be overly concerned with making money. I told him not to be anxious about making money. The fear of not making money is the quickest way not to make it.
What is worse is that over three quarters of the population fear presentations in front of people even though, eight times out of ten there is nothing to fear or be anxious about.
Don't, Angel, be so anxious about a mere child of the soil!' said his mother.
She added: "We know that people with heart disease are often anxious about their future and about how their lives, and the lives of those closest to them, will be affected by the disease.
When God hands us this reality, he has already incidentally assured its end, so death is something one needn't be anxious to bring about; death is a festival that is sure to befall you.
Charles X. during the voyage from Cherbourg, causing a round table to be cut over into a square table, appeared to be more anxious about imperilled etiquette than about the crumbling monarchy.
That is, if you are excited about a project, you will be anxious to get started and get results. The mere fact of looking forward to your work will help make you more productive and effective.
It may drive investors out of cash in search of higher returns but it also indicates how anxious central Banks continue to be about the economic outlook.
I'm not even sure I know what "letting go" or "coming to terms with" means. All I know is that I want to be able to think about him and talk about him without feeling anxious, incredibly sad or upset.
Of course, Mr Cameron is anxious to signal that he understands voters' concerns, that there is something that can be done about them, and that he is doing it.
In your applications, don't be too anxious about it or mutilate otherwise elegant code over it (unless you can prove that it is an issue).
By worrying about the wrong things, we do actual damage to our children, raising them to be anxious and unadventurous or, as she puts it, "hothouse, mama-tied, danger-hallucinating joy extinguishers."
Be aware that anxious grandparents-to-be may insist they've known for weeks even though you're not showing and didn't say a word about any baby.
You mean, if don't get so uptight about being anxious, I'll be less anxious?
We stopped to talk to people on the way, and none seemed at all anxious about security or were amazed that foreigners would be driving on the highway.
Be always anxious about that person regards to me, be unwilling to face self before selfs eyes person squarely forever also in he said I may live in memory only.
I'm anxious to know something about Fuzhou and Fujian. I would be pleased to know something about their history.
You may be getting anxious today because of your uncertainty about how the past leads to the future.
I shall be so anxious to see you and to hear about your festivities and your friend, jack.
She even produces her anxious showdown to my love affair, seems to be in a sweat about my future marriage.
That is, if you are excited about a project, you will be anxious to get started and get results.
That is, if you are excited about a project, you will be anxious to get started and get results.