You need a seat which supports your back and the book should be at the right distance from your eyes.
At a railway crossing not watched by any one, warning marks shall be set up at a certain distance from the crossing.
Mr Rubin sat at a discreet distance: "I always liked to be away from the centre," he wrote in his autobiography.
If I had the ability to respond to moral questions like the ones I've indicated, to be honest, I'd be putting the summit at a distance from myself.
"You must be very patient," replied the fox. "First you will sit down at a little distance from me-like that-in the grass."
If the tool is moving during this period, the effective center of measurement will be a certain distance from the point at which the measurement started. This distance is the lag.
A closest distance computation method for simple polygons has been presented in this paper, which can be used to get the line segments (one chain from each polygon) of polygons at the same time.
In the light of the soft-ness of fibre bunch, the detector and refrigerator module can be placed at a distance from universal hold-er by optical fibre coupling technique.
Test Condition: working Voltage 3.0v, working at white paper, be 3 meters at a distance from usb dongle.
The very idea of her having been suffered to grow up at a distance from us all in poverty and neglect, would be enough to make either of the dear, sweet-tempered boys in love with her.
The devices, connected on interface USB, can be located only at a comparatively small distance from PC.
Do not kink cables. Output cables should be laid separately and at a distance from other cables.
JMD Blower Tubing ventilation is one of the most cost-effective means of underground positive ventilation when air must be delivered at a distance from a fan.
In either case the ships will be at a distance of one or two light-years from the star.
I have written a fully functional first-person-shooter (2.5d styled), though I'd like for sprites to be darkened at a distance from the camera (inverse-square function).
Would you like to Be a regular visitor to the Business walking street while staying here?Please make a reservation at this hotel. It is only S minutes' walking distance from the city centre.
The research results indicate that at a distance from the knocked end, the 3-d dispersed wave motion can be described approximately with 1-d fixed shape wave.
The research results indicate that at a distance from the knocked end, the 3-d dispersed wave motion can be described approximately with 1-d fixed shape wave.