And in particular, then? How could nonexistence be bad for you when you don't exist?
Drinking too much makes you fall down. Almost all of life's pleasures turn out to be bad for you.
After all, the whole point of nonexistence is you don't exist? How could anything be bad for you when you don't exist?
Sure, stress can be bad for you, especially if you react to it with anger or depression or by downing five glasses of Scotch.
"You know in the end, if you try to give too much attention to it, the criticism is going to be bad for you," Berbatov said.
Sure, stress can be bad for you, especially if you react to it with anger or depression or by downing five glasses of Scotch.
Isn't there a kind of logical requirement that for something to be bad for you? You've got to be around to receive that bad thing?
Scientists are increasingly warning that sitting for prolonged periods -even if you also exercise regularly -could be bad for your health.
Scientists are increasingly warning that sitting for prolonged periods - even if you also exercise regularly - could be bad for your health.
YOU'RE NOT LISTENING! ! ! … Foods are fried these days in vegetable oil. In fact, they're permeated in it. How could getting more vegetables be bad for you?
But a study conducted by the University of California found that too much washing can actually be bad for you, because it strips away beneficial bugs that help ward off infections.
While some 13 million Americans are out of work these days, those still with jobs might have a strange new thing to worry about — getting a promotion can be bad for you, a new study suggests.
While some 13 million Americans are out of work these days, those still with jobs might have a strange new thing to worry about - getting a promotion can be bad for you, a new study suggests.
Doctors used carrot seeds and roots as medicine on the theory that foods that taste bad must be good for you.
Doctors used carrot seeds and roots as medicine, on the theory that foods that taste bad must be good for you.
You might find that if your network is broken down into workgroups, the likelihood of bad frames or collisions might be minimized, in turn making cut-through switching a good choice for your network.
For right or wrong, for good or bad, whether you like it or not, your children's idea of God is going to be largely determined by the kind of father you are.
It's just your experience that answers some of these questions for you. If you're inclined to be a bad person at heart, you're probably going to side with Gary's character.
"I am here to tell you that being bad is, and hopefully will always be, bad for business in Google's search results," wrote Amit Singhal, Google Fellow, in a blog post.
For instance, when someone dangerously cuts you off on the freeway, your thought might be: "I do not want this anger" (or "rage," if it's that bad).
If you are stuck in the good of the past you likely feel bad about where you are right now – longing for the way things used to be.
Using a cache when it is not necessary, or trying to make up for a bad application design with caching, may give you some initial quick wins, but would not be the best solution in the long run.
You will be forced to make a choice, whether good for bad, about continuing your habit.
I probably have quite a bad diet and I probably drink too much, but you can be reasonably unhealthy for the first 35 years of life and still count yourself unlucky if you die.
So fighting to keep those portfolio pieces in tact can often be a good incentive for you to push back against bad ideas.
The opposite is just as bad -- using no encryption whatsoever -- because however convenient that may be for you, it's also terribly convenient for someone else to get to it, too.
To sort of give you a quick taste, if after my death I won't exist, how could anything be bad for me?
I share a few of them in this article so that you can be prepared for them or, perhaps, not feel too bad that you are experiencing them yourself - they are common.
If you had headaches that were so bad they made you nauseous, landed you in bed and sometimes lasted for days, you'd have a right to be depressed.
If you had headaches that were so bad they made you nauseous, landed you in bed and sometimes lasted for days, you'd have a right to be depressed.