Although you can share something with them, you should know that they can never be compared with the friends around you.
Chris knows that his boss likes Kim's work, and he expects that his work will be compared with hers.
Widely-separated sediments that occur between correlatable unconformities could be compared with each other.
Tunisia can't be compared with Yemen.
In these aspects, the other modifying methods can not be compared with it.
Action will have costs, and these must be compared with the costs of not acting.
They'll then be compared with DNA from people who disappeared or were killed under military rule.
Bicycle can "t be compared with other means of transportation like car and train for speed and comfort."
No matter how bad the Irish situation, it couldn’t be compared with the utter disaster that was Iceland.
These can be compared with the average doses people normally receive from natural background over 20 years.
No matter how bad the Irish situation, it couldn't be compared with the utter disaster that was Iceland.
The frequency needed to do this can then be compared with that which flips the spin of an ordinary hydrogen atom.
Bicycle can't be compared with other means of transportation like car and train in terms of speed and comfort.
For example, the "How" column has a strong process emphasis and can be compared with the UML Activity diagram.
He said: "the fiscal situation of, let's say, Spain and Portugal, cannot be compared with the situation of Greece."
Browse to the project interchange exported from WBM, to be compared with the current version of the WID module.
They are not derived from a compliant TPC-H benchmark and should not be compared with any existing official results.
它们不是来自兼容的TPC - h基准测试,并且不应该拿来与任何现有的正式结果相比较。
Start with predicate defines the starting point and can be compared with the initial SELECT statement in a RCTE.
To sum up, the package of policies could be compared with comprehensive treatment of traditional Chinese medicine.
This is the baseline scenario that the other scenarios will be compared with. Events and actions are both less than 1kb.
In any case there is, at the moment, no meaningful scale on which non-human intelligence can be compared with the human sort.
For example, in Oracle, a string '1' can be compared with a numeric 1, but in DB2, explicit type-casting needs to be done.
例如,在Oracle中字符串'1 '可以与数字1比较,但是在DB 2中需要执行显式的类型转换。
When an individual is enrolled, his biometric data must be compared with everyone else's to ensure there is no duplication.
A user can define the original XSR object and choose its dependencies as well as the XSR to be compared with and its dependency.
Turkey's icecream is hailed as the world's thickest. When stretched, it can be compared with western China's Lanzhou noodles.
The as-is (current state) process can be compared with the to-be (future state) process, to verify the impact of the process redesign.
The as-is (current state) process can be compared with the to-be (future state) process, to verify the impact of the process redesign.