They believed that their souls would be condemned to burn in hell for eternity.
The prisoners in Senegal can be condemned to griefs of type in five years two months of jail.
The loser was to be condemned to beheading. The prince rigged his opponent's chariot to crash during the race.
Any persons found advocating a preventive war should be condemned to two hours a day with these ingenious monsters.
It's pathetic that human beings should be condemned to spend the greater part of their lives amid such surroundings.
Deep down lurks the sullen suspicion that this is a drama that the euro zone may be condemned to relive time and again.
And far rather would I be condemned to a perpetual dwelling in the infernal regions, than, even for one night, abide beneath the roof of Wuthering Heights again.
She'll be condemned to a life-long struggle trying to prove them all wrong: showing her husband's family and friends that he didn't make a mistake in choosing her.
Zhao was five added: "In order to highlight the South Korean police is to protect the state and national justice, police, even if I make sacrifices and be condemned to the expense."
You will die in seven days and be condemned to hell if you won't repent in time. Today I have come to tell you what will happen to you. Repent as soon as possible, or you will suffer in hell.
Compulsive gamblers are more to be pitied than condemned.
For this reason, God sends them a powerful delusion, leading them to believe what is false so that all who have not believed the truth but to pleasure in unrighteousness will be condemned.
All lonely actions have to be avoided, if not condemned.
They well should be, because if a change does not happen in their hearts, they are going to be condemned in the judgment.
No man of vice can be condemned unless he ceases to look upon vice as a pretext and turns it into a goal.
Other people must treat me considerately, fairly and kindly, and in exactly the way I want them to treat me. If they don't, they are no good and they deserve to be condemned and punished.
The Home Office denied any change of policy on section 55, insisting it would not be used to make anybody destitute in the way condemned by the law lords.
The last organs to be removed were invariably the heart and lungs so as to keep the condemned alive (and in pain) as long as possible.
Confessors, that is, people who are condemned to martyrdom but not martyred, also become especially important, as figures who are considered to be closer to God.
But it was too terrible for that When I tried to understand it, I had the feeling I was failing to condemn it as it must be condemned.
Yes, people can still be accused of practicing witchcraft and condemned to death for it nowadays.
I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life.
He is condemned by Liverpool's early Champions League, Carling Cup and FA Cup exits to be followed around by those who recite the last rites for managerial reigns.
"We are trading them cancer in the form of Camel cigarettes, Connolly told a world health conference. "That is something to be condemned and ashamed of."
Likewise, China's rise is neither guaranteed to be chiefly about the prosperity of 1.3 billion people nor condemned to be about antagonism or conflict with the rest of the world.
I apologise to everyone. I did something that should absolutely be condemned and compromised everything positive I had done up until then.
I apologise to everyone. I did something that should absolutely be condemned and compromised everything positive I had done up until then.