Its purpose is to make the content stand out and be the focal point. From a visual standpoint, minimalist design is meant to be calming and to bring the mind down to the basics.
Since post-shuttle NASA relies on Soyuz rockets to carry American astronauts up and down, it may mean everyone out of the pool till the booster malfunction can be analyzed and fixed.
Whenever you find yourself making negative comments to yourself, be sure to pull out this list, write down the negative statement and turn it into a positive one.
The house is waiting for something, a zoning change or a will to come out of probate, and then it will be torn down.
But you may be sure that Lizette at once took out her notebook and wrote down their every word, and placed the notebook safely under her pillow.
If you've got friends or loved ones, you'll be happy to know that they can jump into and out of your game whenever they feel like picking up or putting down the controller.
This could be down to laziness, the cost of going out or simply not wanting too much personal contact with friends and family but just enough to swap brief messages and online chats。 It all adds up.
Just make this simple exercise of writing down every argument you had in your mind (or out loud, if you're more extrovert) and be amazed about how much time you're spending on this.
Sometimes, people need to get the negative thoughts out …speak them to a good friend, write them down on a piece of paper, and be done with it.
Sometimes, people need to get the negative thoughts out... speak them to a good friend, write them down on a piece of paper, and be done with it.
Remembering my own desire to be more patient, more present, I shut it all down and put it all away and headed out with my son who wanted and needed me.
Simply click and drag a message up or down, and other messages on the diagram will be shifted out of the way.
The answer to what ails the Heat might well be found in all of the above but someone is going to have to break down the percentages and figure out the solutions.
With no miscarriage risk, more women might be willing to take it, and so more women would find out they have a Down syndrome pregnancy.
It kept breaking down and having to be repaired, and because that required permission, I finally found out what Fraus Schmitz was doing.
The test takes 15 minutes and can be carried out almost anywhere, from a hospital bedside to an outpatient clinic, with the patient either sitting or lying down.
Many are exhausted by Israel's continuing siege, but fear they would be inviting attack inside and out if they laid down their arms.
Rather, the transmission rate needs to be pushed down so that each malaria infection is passed on to less than one new person and the disease gradually dies out.
This could be down to laziness, the cost of going out or simply not wanting too much personal contact with friends and family but just enough to swap brief messages and online chats.
Apparently paranormal events, which some scientists put down to unusual electrical activity, could be drowned out by the electronic noise produced by phone calls and text messages.
If the Internet went down tomorrow and stayed down for a month, or long enough that people thought physical media was important again, we would very likely be out of business.
Soon the trees would creep down into the snow until only their tops stuck out, and then the tops would disappear too and everything would level itself off and be flat.
Bring the wide end up and through the front of the loop, pulling it down and to the right. The seam should now be facing out.
But how can it be launched quickly on a stormy night at low tide when the sea has retreated down a steep bank of shingle and out across several kilometres of boggy sand?
Make some silly noises while shaking out your entire body or jumping up and down to let go of any other tense areas that may be stuck.
Sitting down and mentally vomiting all over a piece of paper can be much like real vomiting: you might be a little surprised at what comes out but you’ll undoubtedly feel better.
坐下来,面对它感到心里反胃和真实的反胃差不了多少。 反胃完后,你会感觉好些,虽然你先前不认为这会使你感觉好。
Sitting down and mentally vomiting all over a piece of paper can be much like real vomiting: you might be a little surprised at what comes out but you’ll undoubtedly feel better.
坐下来,面对它感到心里反胃和真实的反胃差不了多少。 反胃完后,你会感觉好些,虽然你先前不认为这会使你感觉好。