It will be a chance for China to engage directly with the world, both on the sports field and on the streets of Beijing.
Chinese academics engage cautiously with Western reporters about the possibility that some day Chinese people may be allowed to vote.
If you're a business manager, the correct choice should be clear: Unleash your employees to harness new technology to engage directly with the empowered customer.
I know you want to socialize, but your best bet is to wait until we're done chewing... then, I'll be happy to rattle of facts about Food Network and engage in repetitive speech about my cat with you!
Indeed our fondness for imitation may be a survival advantage, deeply rooted in our evolutionary biology - even monkeys become more willing to engage in a kind of commerce with those who imitate them.
For SOA to be successful (let alone "free"), the business may need to consider certain structural opportunities, and to engage with it requirements in new ways.
Local work and pilot studies need to be carried out to engage policymakers at a country level and provide them with evidence, he added.
Both the need to be alone and to engage others are essential to human happiness and survival, with equally provocative claims.
Users see the site as sanctified space, a place to engage in intimate conversations with friends-not to be laser-beamed by weirdly personal advertising.
We would, however, be willing to engage in a trial collaboration with you company to see how the arrangement works.
No matter your life situation, engage people with it and every experience will be an asset.
"It's actually necessary for us to be willing to put up with risk, to engage in searching for resources or a better living environment," she said.
But it says nothing about how you engage with those people assuming they're people, and not bots - which can be a big.
This has prompted AirAsia to engage in social media to connect with our guests, and the response has proven to be encouraging through AirAsia's Facebook Fan page.
这促使亚航参与到社会媒体之中,主动地联系我们的客人,这一做法已经通过亚航的Facebook Fan Page得到了证明。
As Mr Smyth puts it: "Those who engage with the public sector are now mindful that their contractual crown jewels may be held up to the public light at some point."
I feel that my greatest joy is to be able to engage in my favorite dancing, dancing with my students and these friends who truly love dancing and sharing our inner resonance and excitement.
Instead of lurking on social media, researchers encourage people to actively engage in conversation and connect with other people, which seems to be a much more positive experience.
Be patient and allow her to continue exploring her interests and abilities on her own while providing her with opportunities to engage in instructor-guided group activities.
We wanted to engage with the basic materials and building practices that have shaped Chicago's modern identity to create a space whose quality of light and air would be at home on the prairie.
'Kiss when coffee' is a design concept made to be fun but functional, offering the drinker a pair of lips and nose to engage with as they use the vessel.
With spectacular views and activities to engage in, apart from seeking your inner purpose, Agatti is a paradise for the soon-to-be-married soul.
Losing touch with your core can happen in myriad ways. You may be born with structural imbalances that eventually lead you to engage the psoas for support.
Obama's priority will be to get out of Washington and engage with the American people.
Obama's priority will be to get out of Washington and engage with the American people.