Through this judgment he (Satan) will be expelled.
Boys are twice as likely to get suspended as girls, and three times as likely to be expelled.
Laomedon then ordered them to be expelled from the city and Apollo and Poseidon vowed revenge.
Students who distribute or sell the above-mentioned articles will be expelled from university.
Tammy: No, but if he makes one false move, he could be expelled from the university just like that.
Existing residual air pressure after disconnecting the air compressor from the machine has to be expelled.
Students under police control, held in captivity or subject to jail sentence will be expelled from university.
Among nomads, exile loses its charge because there is no place from which one can be expelled, no powerful notion of home.
Fluids in the pores will be expelled as the reduction in porosity occurs during the process of compaction of the mudstones.
Charles said that all smokers should be expelled from the team, but he sung a different rune after the coach caught him smoking.
So we suggests thar the muscle spindles may be the receptors for the acupuncture, but the free nerve endings may not be expelled.
The whole school was alarmed. Many teachers suggested that Tommy was too problematic and should be expelled from the school immediately.
Feeling the mouth allows you to better comprehend how your lips should form when speaking and how much pressure should be expelled from the mouth when speaking.
The more bad things humans do, the stronger the demons' power would grow. In the end, angels would be expelled and the human hearts will be controlled by the demons.
The teachers of the school, impressed by his intelligence, overlooked some of his pranks. However, it was his rebelliousness in the end that caused him to be expelled.
The wild, noisy boy couldn't bear to be hemmed in with rules or bounds and had been expelled from King's Canterbury.
If sticky phlegm in the sinuses and lungs could be made watery, it will be wafted upward in a natural way, and soon expelled with much less coughing.
Many studies indicate that African-Americans were several times more likely to be suspended or expelled than other students for the same offenses.
The main route of transmission of the new influenza A(H1N1) virus seems to be similar to seasonal influenza, via droplets that are expelled by speaking, sneezing or coughing.
As many as 20,000 viruses are expelled in an average cough, which may be sufficient to infect many people - particularly those who are not vaccinated.
As many as 20, 000 viruses are expelled in an average cough, which may be sufficient to infect many people - particularly those who are not vaccinated.
The main route of transmission of the pandemic influenza virus seems to be similar to seasonal influenza, via droplets that are expelled by speaking, sneezing or coughing.
新的甲型H1N 1流感病毒的主要传播途径似乎与季节性流感相似,讲话、打喷嚏或咳嗽时产生的飞沫即可传播病毒。
As many as 20,000 viruses are expelled in an average cough, which may be sufficient to infect many people — particularly those who are not vaccinated.
An advanced filtration system will mean that even the air expelled from the building after use will, says Mr Nicholls, be cleaner than the air in the city on the cleanest day.
The amount of gas released from oil increases from east to west, it can be 12.82% of gas in free phase expelled from source rock, it is important part of gas accumulation in Western Slope.
The amount of gas released from oil increases from east to west, it can be 12.82% of gas in free phase expelled from source rock, it is important part of gas accumulation in Western Slope.