Presumably, the more often it wanders from home, the more it's likely to be exposed to predators.
Redirecting your personal mail and bills may be the last thing on your mind when you are moving home, but it is essential to avoid leaving you exposed to identify theft.
Producers could find it harder to plan capital expenditure and buyers would be exposed to price fluctuations.
It wants this to be reflected in the regulations, citing its discovery of the many sources to which the two-year-olds are exposed – modern slings and arrows, as it were, of outrageous fortune.
研究者希望欧盟规章中能反映上述现象。 他们把两岁儿童所接触到的众多污染源比作当代弹石器及弓箭,正如这些杀戮武器一样,这些化学物是飞来横祸。
We believe that it is essential for engineers to be exposed to the information directly and make their own judgments.
Prevention works but has to be focused on the needs of those most likely to be exposed to HIV, and it must be sustained.
It was necessary for Romulus not to stay in Alba, and that he be exposed at birth, so that he might become king of Rome and founder of that nation.
Different types of products have different attributes, making it difficult to pre-determine which attributes of which products should be exposed to business analysts and executives.
Whether it is application services being exposed or a simple generated data query service, the resulting data must appropriate to the business context and be accurate to be of any value.
But, overall, it is a better time to be in the public sector, or have a taxpayer-funded customer, than be exposed to cash-strapped customers and businesses.
They told me that if any of my equipment was exposed, I'd be asked to leave it behind at the plant.
If you've never been exposed to this concept of superposition before it can be a little confusing.
Note that it is rare for all of the interactions required by a process to be mature, well exposed services when we are only just reaching this level of maturity.
The first could be the expectation that future growth will be generated by emerging markets; while many of the megacaps are exposed to such markets, it is a relatively small part of the business.
Obviously adherence to standards is important, particularly when it involves how your services will be exposed.
PMs must be continuously challenged and exposed to projects to put knowledge into practice and therefore becoming better at it.
The bottom-up approach is about analyzing existing it assets (such as legacy applications and systems) and finding functionality that could be exposed as services, to be reused by many.
It would have exposed us to excessive risk and would have been unfair to the customer, had we found out that their technical requirements could be satisfied for much less.
Once a candidate service is selected, then the next step is to decide if it should be exposed.
America's finest, it will be said, were sent into the heart of darkness and exposed to horrors that made them murder.
Careful consideration must be given to what is exposed and with which binding when it comes to enterprise data.
In addition, the process itself is exposed to the client applications as a service, and therefore it needs end-point information to be specified at deployment time.
Whether it is application services being exposed or a simple generated data query service, the resulting data must be accurate and appropriate to the business context to be of any value.
Finally, the suggestion was made in 1903 that maybe it shouldn't be exposed to sunlight and, oh, by the way, maybe it should be kept dry, too.
Finally, the suggestion was made in 1903 that maybe it shouldn't be exposed to sunlight and, oh, by the way, maybe it should be kept dry, too.