They should be held accountable for their ACTS.
Why should we be held accountable for your eating habits?
Who should be held accountable for anti-terrorism’s dirtiest business?
But I will NOT be held accountable for the SINS of my father. My destiny will be my own.
Marx should not be held accountable for those who acted on his (often contradictory) analysis.
The intent is to get the individual practitioners to verbally commit and be held accountable for the work.
As much as you hate to have people breathing down your neck, you need to be held accountable for your results.
The idea that each individual should be held accountable for their own actions is a mainstream opinion up to now.
It is then important for individuals to be held accountable for their performance as it relates to cyber security.
They want to sow, observation, work, before the harvest, like gardeners, leaders must be held accountable for their work careers.
Those fabricating or spreading false information in relation to the property market are to be held accountable for their behaviors.
On the other hand, development organizations must be held accountable for, and demonstrate, tangible improvements over successive increments.
No one is concerned about the child's relatives, there is no reporter on this track should be held accountable for the details of the report.
The Moon shifts into responsible Capricorn and your 8th House of Intimacy on Saturday when you may be held accountable for your every word and deed.
It also stiffens penalties for existing extremism statutes, and extends the list of crimes that minors (14 years or older) can be held accountable for.
And the creation of the World Trade Organization in 1995 ensured that countries would be held accountable for their commitments to open markets and lower barriers.
Finally, someone is doing the right thing. We should all be held accountable for our actions. The American People need to know who is costing them their hard earned money.
Will others think I am not holding myself accountable if I act as if I deserve self forgiveness even if I have done things to be ashamed of and should be held accountable for?
Even if your partner deserves to be held accountable for a specific event, if it doesn't happen very often, it's better to sort of look the other way, to look at the bright side.
The court accepted his defence that he had been drugged by erstwhile business partners, a couple of Lebanese-American brothers, so apparently he could not be held accountable for his actions.
He suggests that managers and their employees be held jointly accountable for their results (and their quality).
The biggest reforms to emerge from the current crisis will be global changes in the ways companies are held accountable for the huge, hidden costs now foisted on the public.
"Apple is trailing far behind in terms of transparency and pushing for the polluters to be held publicly accountable for their problems," Ma told the Journal.
"Apple is trailing far behind in terms of transparency and pushing for the polluters to be held publicly accountable for their problems," Ma told the Journal.