He will be in charge of all hiring and firing at PHA.
This partition will be in charge of managing the other partitions.
What a woman really wants is to be able to be in charge of her own life.
So it makes sense for the central banks to be in charge of the macro-prudential bit.
Hanna didn't just let me be in charge of choosing our direction and the roads to take.
Who could have predicted that within ten years hed be in charge of the whole company?
Who, in these circumstances, would want to be in charge of global health at the World Bank?
Jim Hagemann Snabe, the head of product development, will be in charge of internal matters.
They can be in charge of millions of dollars worth of equipment and hundreds of employees.
He will be in charge of attempts to reposition positive public perceptions of the Trafigura brand.
Unlike the judge, the registrar is a civil servant and may be in charge of more than one court.
John, why don't you be in charge of cooking breakfast this morning and your sister can do the dishes.
Indeed, the biggest danger is not that Mr Putin stays in charge, but that nobody will be in charge.
Spend time with them and do something they like doing for a change, instead of trying to be in charge.
Be in charge of reviewing and refreshing the job safety analysis and safety operation process annually.
On my first day of duty an officer told me, "You are a machinist and will be in charge of the machine shop."
And I told him I thought that was a pretty admirable thing for him to do to be in charge of the whole program.
So, in any given campout, many boys get the chance to go in front of the troop and be in charge of one activity.
The most likely explanation for the brothers' controlling stake is that their father wanted them to be in charge.
The PBC shall be in charge of supervising the issuance and trading of subordinated bonds in inter-bank bond market.
The Atlantic just ran a story promising we'd be in charge of the world one day, and the evidence was pretty compelling.
This article shows that it is possible to let the developer be in charge of the framework by creating JSP-based components.
Its chief executive, Hector Sants, will run the new regulation arm of the central bank, but make no mistake who will be in charge.
He is a good manager, of course, but no Mourinho and too steeped in the Italian football culture to be in charge of a budget here.
In editing the file, I added a line before the first paragraph, as follows: "Eli shall be in charge of managing sandwich consumption."
在编辑文件时,我在第一段前面添加了一行:“Eli shallbe in chargeofmanagingsandwich consumption。”
A producer will also be in charge of the press and will spend a good deal of time on the phone coordinating with the press regarding the movie.
The arbitration panel's decision is a particular setback for Bob Dudley, BP's chief executive, who used to be in charge of TNK-BP. See article.
仲裁小组的决定对英国石油首席执行官,也是前TNK - BP主管的BobDudley是一个沉重打击。
The arbitration panel's decision is a particular setback for Bob Dudley, BP's chief executive, who used to be in charge of TNK-BP. See article.
仲裁小组的决定对英国石油首席执行官,也是前TNK - BP主管的BobDudley是一个沉重打击。