Digital signature, as an important technology to ensure information safety in cryptology field, is now gradually replacing manual signature and tends to be in common use.
In order to truly reflect its going after production, it is the company's urgent need to select a proper loading scheme and develop an advanced and reliable load apparatus which can be in common use.
A very common use is to feed in passwords, which typically should be unique to every deployment.
This section covers a set of process snippets you can use to understand several common process flaws in an As-Is process, along with ways to do things better in a To-Be model.
Over time, it has become increasingly common for them to be graphically represented in use case diagrams.
The most common use appears to be in facial moisturizer.
Since this condition might be useful at several places in the plug-in, we use the extension org.eclipse.core.expressions.definitions to define a common rule.
由于这个条件可能会对插件中的几个位置有用,因此使用or g . eclipse . core . expressions . definitions扩展定义一个通用规则。
Zuckerberg also pointed out in his response to the Hangout question, that one-on-one video chat will be the more common use case (Google+ has "Hangout" which allows 10 users to video chat at once).
马克在他对于Hangout这项功能的回应里也提出了其实在线一对一视频聊天才是用户使用最普遍的功能。 (google+里面的Hangout功能允许10位用户同时参与同一场视频聊天。)
The Invoicer component will be in the credit package that imports the CRM (customer relationship management) package to use the common service data (message) definitions.
The common lookup code that we factored must be duplicated in every client where we want to use this pattern.
Nevertheless, "there's a lot more work to be done" before climbing robots are in common use, he adds.
Use cases include a fair amount of information, information that can easily be documented in a common format.
Recent European Union legislation requiring chemicals in common use to be proven safe to use, however, may yet reverse the trend.
Roboticists have begun to think about what robots have in common and what aspects of their construction can be standardised, hopefully resulting in a basic operating system everyone can use.
The use of the WS Security Username token profile is common and enables a user name and password to be encapsulated in a security token.
WSSecurityUsername 令牌配置文件的使用很常见,允许将用户名和密码封装到安全令牌中。
The Invoicer participant will be in the credit package that imports the CRM (customer relationship management) package to use the common service data (message types) definitions.
The present paper suggests that the translation of names of scientific professional institutions should be exact, succinct and in common use internationally.
The linearization apparatus designed by this method is in common use. It can be used in thermocouple and resistance thermometers as well as flowmeters by means of orifice plates.
Probably the software will be a common use in hair saloon and fashion stores in future.
It's reliable, simple in structure and in common use, and can be applied to different TV display systems.
Conclusion The defect of soft tissue with bone exposure should be repaired as early as possible. The methods in common use are skin flap transposition or graft.
I realize the complexity of the language and that a person would have to be familiar with specific military terms not in common use in daily language.
You'll be surprised at how safe you will be if you only use a bit of common sense in how you move.
This system is in common use and can be applied to the limit alarm of industrial production or control device.
The common use condition prescribed in product standard should cover most of the area and the fewness area should be disposed in particular.
Because of the complicated thermodynamic properties inside the condenser, the type-selective calculation of water-ring vacuum pump is allowed to be different from that in common use.
Because of the complicated thermodynamic properties inside the condenser, the type-selective calculation of water-ring vacuum pump is allowed to be different from that in common use.