In the first instance your child will be seen by an ear, nose and throat specialist.
Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.
If the library is selected to be deployed with the module in the dependencies editor, the module is packaged as an EAR and contains a copy of the library JAR file during deploy time.
Even though no hits came his way, he was obviously ecstatic just to be in the game and on the field, grinning from ear to ear as I waved to him from the stands.
But if you have Mozart's ear for music and feel like you should be the one putting big projects together, then you'll want to be sitting in the producer's chair.
Once the sensitive cells deep in the ear that convert sound waves to electrical impulses are destroyed by loud noise, they cannot be restored.
A deployable EAR file needs to be created and deployed in the target run time environment.
But localized approaches in the eye or ear may be a promising first step, since fewer cells are involved.
Individual files at any scope in the application EAR can be added, deleted, or updated via update function.
Other libraries (JAR files) used by the application can be located in the EAR file as well.
This requirement means that both the EJB client and EJB module must be deployed in the same EAR file and running on the same application server instance.
It is thought this is because the left side of the brain processes sounds that come in through the right ear. If anger activates it, noise from the right, but not the left, will be heard more keenly.
In other words, my phone conversations with my husband were not exactly the breathless, romantic calls I'd imagined they'd be, the kind where you whisper sweet nothings into your lover's ear.
A corporate trekker constantly tugging on an ear is probably stressed and may be interested in a yoga kit — or perhaps a therapeutic pillow from the hotel's pillow menu.
The EAR file can also be found in the materials you downloaded in Part 4; you won't be changing the application at all.
EAR文件还可以在 第 4部分中的下载资料中找到;您不要对应用程序进行任何更改。
Cooper would joke to friends and colleagues that the calls from that phone would have to be short in duration: Who had the strength to hold it to an ear for very long?
You might combine the presentation and domain layers in a single WAR file, or your domain classes might be in a separate EAR file.
In other words, the author, the traditional idea of the author -so much under suspicion in the work of Foucault and Barthes in the late sixties — can be turned on its ear.
Rituparna tells Nala that he knows the science of gambling and he will teach it to Nala, but that it has to be done by whispering it in his ear because it's a deep and extreme secret.
Breaking up the application in this manner allows different EJB component versions to be isolated with different application class loaders, one per EAR file.
The presence of the Jars in the EAR project allow them to be deployed so that the classes are available at runtime.
These artifacts need not be deployed using same J2EE EAR file nor be part of the same application, as defined in WebSphere configuration.
The easiest means of packaging multiple versions of enterprise applications would be to have all EJB and Web modules for each version in their own enterprise application module (.ear).
封装企业应用程序不同版本的一个最简单的方法就是,将每个版本的所有ejb和Web模块封装到它们自己的企业应用程序模块中(. ear)。
If the application to be migrated isn't already in Eclipse then you must import the EAR file into Eclipse prior to performing the migration.
The proxy is servlet based, and can be embedded directly in an EAR file or run on your server as a WAR file.
Then the sample application EAR file can be imported into the IBM Rational application Developer workspace and started on the Server that was created in the previous section.
然后,可以将样例应用程序EAR文件导入IBMRationalApplication Developer工作空间,并在上一节中创建的服务器上启动它。
To be heard over the techno, she leans in close and yells into your ear, “Hai una sigaretta?”
你想要从震耳欲聋的电子摇滚乐中听到她的话,只见她凑过身对你大喊:“Haiuna sigaretta? (能给我根烟吗?)”
Let's create your project and EAR file ready to be deployed. In Eclipse, first create the project.
We have found a way of miniaturizing the measurement system so that it can be accommodated in an ear clip.
We have found a way of miniaturizing the measurement system so that it can be accommodated in an ear clip.