Will we be using the internet for video on demand, will that be the killer app? Will millions of people wide watch this video right when they want to watch it?
On a design level, this watch is quite a progression for Hublot and is likely to be Hublot Confrerie's flagship timepiece.
Still, amid an almost lockdown atmosphere, Angelenos who want to be present at a public memorial for a pop icon are being directed to instead stay home, turn on the TV and watch from the couch.
Its fine to talk to someone or watch something on TV while eating just bring your attention back to your food for each and every bite, be mindful, enjoy the crunching and the tastes.
You'll probably have some of your own favorite ways to be on time – some people swear by putting their watch forwards 10 minutes, for instance.
"They said EU special representatives should be sent to 20 nations on the bloc's security watch list to be on the look-out for burgeoning conflicts and act as an early warning system."
Be sure to watch the video for more variations on the above set-up as well as the finished shot.
Now it's over to you: you can watch short video presentations of each of the ideas featured in this supplement on our website and vote for the ones you think will be most effective.
Third, neighbors should watch out for each other's security by reporting suspicious people who may be trying to steal something and dangerous conditions such as a broken slide on the playground.
But yes, for those who have any doubts at all, that "normal people" might not want to watch TV on a 3 inch screen - South Korea proves that assumption to be wrong.
Example: Be sure to watch out for grammar errors; for instance, comma splices, run-on sentences, and dangling modifiers.
Example: Be sure to watch out for grammar errors, for instance, comma splices, run-on sentences, and dangling modifiers.
But of course, happy, successful marriages on soaps wouldn't be all that entertaining for us in the audience to watch!
If your business relies on popular trends, it pays to watch for signs of user fatigue and what may be next.
If not, he says, many countries will hold back for fear that they will bear the cost of an expensive operation if the NRF happens to be activated on their watch.
Well, I haven't decided what pajamas I will be wearing for the red carpet on Sunday when I watch the annual Academy Awards.
We should also note that Screenr offers a very nice mobile interface for the iPhone, so even Twitter users on a mobile client will be able to watch your videos.
A once-booming economy crashed on his watch. Unemployment is over 21%, growth may be low for years, bond yields are high and deficit-cutting is causing real pain.
他们有理由来惩罚其社会党的首相jose Luis rodriguez Zapatero——曾经繁荣的经济在他的监管下衰落了,失业率高达21%,可能持续几年低迷,债券收益高,削减财政赤字带来了真正的痛苦。
Another reason would be sort of to thank the fans for supporting us on our last album, to give them some performances and interviews to watch.
On a residential road, watch out for entrances to schools, pedestrian crossings, driveways, sidewalks and any other locations where there might be traffic hazards.
Who was on the list? -Yeah, well, you may be disappointed if you're looking for big names on this client list. Watch this.
It now looks less likely than ever that Mr Chirac will be held fully to account for what happened on his watch.
Then it's definitely going to be very hard for us to find a movie that we can both keep on watch even might like.
Russia to China for the effect if the lips are gone, the first place will be "sitting on top of the mountain to watch the tigers fight".
The activity is part of a continued campaign, so we can't make a final conclusion. The video made through the activity will be put on Nike Football Community for later users to watch.
It showed a caveman trying to use a pterodactyl for an express delivery, only to watch it be gobbled up on take-off by a tyrannosaur.
If you watch it passively, automatically, and for want of anything better to do, it can be a drain on happiness.
If you watch it passively, automatically, and for want of anything better to do, it can be a drain on happiness.