To be perfectly safe, keep them leashed for the first few hours, and feed them separately for the first few days.
If not, rest assured that at the time of purchase may require the use of wood hygrometer for humidity testing, this can be perfectly safe.
Their representatives insist this scare affects less than 10 percent of the products on the market at the moment; and that all meat produced from now on will be perfectly safe.
Now I know that for some people this might be quite a frightening thing to do, but it is perfectly safe.
While most over-the-counter herbal supplements are perfectly safe, some of the pills you may be taking could be harmful to your health.
Advocates assert that growing genetically altered crops can be kinder to the environment and that eating foods from those plants is perfectly safe.
You could perpetually toe-dip and divide each endeavor into perfectly partitioned portions. That would be safe.
You might do a tour of somewhere dangerous, but you could equally be stationed somewhere perfectly safe.
You might do a tour of somewhere dangerous, but you could equally be stationed somewhere perfectly safe.