I try to be sensible about it, but it's not very easy. Sometimes you just have to grin and bear it.
Prof Rothwell said that he thought it would be "sensible" for people to start taking aspirin at about 45, when the chance of developing bowel and other cancers began to rise.
At first glance, IBM and the Carnegie Corporation seem to be engaged in such different endeavours that comparing them might seem about as sensible as comparing apple orchards and orange groves.
Such ambivalence may be sensible, but getting a job doesn't involve sense. It involves looking about 1,000 times keener than you actually are.
It was not in Franklin's nature, however, to be dogmatic or extreme about any principle; he generally gravitated toward a sensible balance.
So, when trying to decide how many big ideas about the Internet would be meaningful for most readers, it seemed sensible to settle for a magical total of nine.
It may be able to retrieve obscure texts on, say, the classification procedures for African zebra variants, but be incapable of producing anything sensible about animals in general.
That is why you want to be on the look-out all the time for information about the business and to nail a fact just as a sensible man nails a mosquito—the first time it settles near him.
Domain experience takes you to sensible judgment about features that most likely will be required and requested.
This is not to say anyone should be complacent, as the problems at TK-Max have just shown, we have to be rational about these issues, and approach them in a sensible manner.
This is not to say anyone should be complacent, as the problems at TK-Max have just shown, we have to be rational about these issues, and approach them in a sensible manner.