Cabins are limited and the most popular routes can be sold out months ahead of time.
Ann: I think we should get there early because they might be sold out. Is 5:00pm OK?
For example, by planning ahead, they can buy tickets for a concert or play that may later be sold out.
Upon arrival they would be sold out to an artisan, gentleman or farmer according to his or her abilities.
Therefore, the problem GLB will face isn't if it can be sold out but if the investors are able to get it.
At this point we appear to be sold out for 2007 unless we can locate some more garlic from remote growers.
Darling, I'm fond of the skirt I saw in the store yesterday. I want to buy it, but I'm afraid it may be sold out.
UWE:The influence of economic crisis spreads over the world. But if we look for the right market, everything could be sold out.
We may be sold out of them. Let me check the back. (the clerk goes to the storeroom, returning a few minutes later.) I'm afraid we're out of stock. Would you like a rain check?
We may be sold out of them. Let me check the back. (the clerk goes to the storeroom, returning a few minutes later.) I "m afraid we" re out of stock. Would you like a rain check?
We may be sold out of them. Let me check the back. ( The clerk goes to the storeroom, returning a few minutes later. ) I'm afraid we're out of stock. Would you like a rain check?
If the auto products in export processing region need to be sold out for domestic market, the importers should handle Automatic import License in accordance with the said detailed rules.
Two out of five thought the business would be sold privately on their retirement or death.
Emmanuel Adebayor looks sure to be sold, particularly after falling out with Mancini, although the striker has told the BBC's Football Focus that he wants a rapprochement.
Needless to say, the farm the first farmer had sold, so that he could search for a diamond mine, turned out to be the most productive diamond mine on the entire African continent.
If a fisherman sold the squid processors a proportion of his expected catch a year ahead and squid turned out to be plentiful, he would do well.
Many sporting events have already sold out, but there will be hundreds of free cultural events to enjoy throughout the summer.
Enzo would be stuck at Tyler's until the place was driven out of business by some still more gargantuan sensorium that sold everything from new spouses to plastic surgery.
That was sold as a fairytale wedding, but from the point of view of most of the public, it turned out to be one of those fairytales that don't have a happy ending.
Film will be sold until the current inventory is out, which is projected to be 2009. No more cameras are being made.
Two vessels, dating from around the 10th century BC and being sold at Sotheby's next month, stand out for their intricate decoration, which is so elaborate as to be almost baroque.
Direct Seller Certificate and Certificate of Direct Selling Trainer cannot be forged, altered, rented, transferred or sold out.
The band will play the sold-out show to a crowd of 96,000 at California's Pasadena Rose Bowl, making it the largest concert ever to be streamed live online.
The band will play the sold-out show to a crowd of 96, 000 at California's Pasadena Rose Bowl, making it the largest concert ever to be streamed live online.
Check out pics of the tattooed Barbie below -- it might be the only glimpse you'll get, considering the dolls are entirely sold out.
There were a few bugs in the new computer program, but we've worked them out and it's now ready to be sold.
There were a few bugs in the new computer program, but we've worked them out and it's now ready to be sold.