It used to be three kilometres but most people wanted to do a bit more than that so we lengthened it to five kilometres—we now go round the lake twice and that adds an extra two kilometres.
However, if brewers wanted their Sake to be known as superior to most, they would submit a sample to the National Tax Office for sampling.
Most controversially, Japan wanted to be clear that it would not make a new commitment to emissions cuts under the Kyoto protocol after 2012, when its current promise runs out.
"We saw beautiful preschools, but most of them didn't involve the parents as much as we wanted to be involved," said Jen Wink, another founder.
I wanted to be hers. She was the most perfect girl in the entire world… and I felt this way a hundred times before.
If you only did things you wanted to do, you'd probably be the most productive person in the world.
Perhaps not what the neighbours most wanted, but at least it will be occupied.
The most important thing was the attitude, the mind because he really wanted to be in his best shape.
A functional example would be that a portal's navigation only shows the most-wanted pages upon the user's arrival.
Joe Daniels, the memorial's overseer, called the grouping of the names the most challenging part of the project; many families wanted more information to be given about their lost ones.
纪念馆的掌管人乔•丹尼尔斯(Joe Daniels)称名字的分组是这个项目最具挑战性的部分;许多家属想要给他们失去的家人提供更多的信息。
I like the MVC pattern for doing web development and I've found it to be a good fit for most of my projects, so I wanted to create a way to do this for WPF and Silverlight development.
A model that may be facing this problem is the Honda Civic and its hybrid version, which are among the most-wanted vehicles.
The most wanted man in the world is believed to be hiding in Pakistan, perhaps in the Waziristan region.
American gadgets, tactics and intelligence seem to be helping. Fifteen of the 24 names on a Philippine most-wanted poster have been crossed out, either captured or killed.
This should not diminish, however, the respect she is due for overcoming most (but not all) of the obstacles facing a woman who wanted at that time to be a physicist.
The most likely explanation for the brothers' controlling stake is that their father wanted them to be in charge.
One wanted to be the most beautiful girl in the world, one wanted to taste a pure and gorgeous girl.
However, because I knew several individuals who would most likely be attending the event, I was able to take some time to think about how I wanted to answer the questions they could ask me.
Most of the time I am happy, but I could never be sure I am as good as I wanted to be.
I'm probably one of the most dangerous men in the world if I want to be. But I never wanted to be anything but me.
Do you know, when I rely on your shoulders, I feel the I was the most happy girl in the world, I never had such feeling. I wanted the time stop for us, so we can stay together and never be separated.
When I see the Ten Most wanted Lists... I always have this thought: If we'd made them feel wanted earlier, they wouldn't be wanted now.
He describes himself as rebellious, but believes the most rebellious thing he did was to persuade his father that he wanted to be a musician, not a doctor.
In fact, everyone will be sad at the time to find words and tell him (her) I wanted, this time they will be the most in need of care or encouraged, and the person's weight will be great.
Amy drew the most beautiful pictures and wanted to be a fa mous painter one day.
Since most dolls at the time were baby dolls, Ruth envisioned one that would inspire little girls to think about what they wanted to be when they grew up.
Jules Verne, Mark Twain, Galileo, Newton — all the curious from the ages would have wanted to be alive most of all right now.
Jules Verne, Mark Twain, Galileo, Newton — all the curious from the ages would have wanted to be alive most of all right now.