Dealers do this when they sense you're undecided, but they want to be in the position of control.
Even if you're still undecided about SOAP, at this point you should be able to recognize its merits and its problems.
With rain in the forecast for election day and the polls saying an unprecedented number of potential voters are undecided or unlikely to cast ballots, turnout Tuesday is expected to be low.
In Bethel, we put in phones the first day and organized a telephone canvass, to be followed by personal deliveries of literature to all the undecided voters.
Meanwhile the muslined form of Tess could be seen standing still, undecided, beside this turnout, whose owner was talking to her.
To be forewarned is to be ready for whatever happens, and chaotic events will leave you undecided as to who or what has brought them about.
For the first question, "Would having a 'naked' wedding be an option," 47 percent of web users supported this, while 43 percent disagreed. The remaining 10 percent were undecided.
We're be working hard over the nest ten days to win over the undecided voters.
With rain in the forecast for Election day and the polls saying an unprecedented number of potential voters are undecided or unlikely to cast ballots, turnout Tuesday is expected to be low.
Experts say that it could be their last best chances to move undecided voters.
Experts say that it could be their last best chances to move undecided voters.