Yes, you will be under pressure and there will be people that won't want to see you.
If you win enough games you will be fine, if you don't then you will be under pressure.
Bian avoids contest shows now, because she does not want Xiao Bao to be under pressure.
Here are some exercises for you to be under pressure everyday and grow mentally and emotionally.
You will be under pressure to be consistent with your own logic that stated you can be confident.
With its big order book, Yangzijiang will be under pressure to handle a steep ramp-up in deliveries.
While these developments are very good news, you'll also be under pressure to make the best of them.
And Banks - whether explicitly nationalised or not - will be under pressure to prioritise domestic borrowers.
Engineers could drill for water, but would be under pressure to share it with local populations and with refugees.
Unless the West, including America, is prepared to help out on a large scale, he will be under pressure to go slow.
"He will be under pressure because the England job is the toughest one out there," Lampard said on Sky Sports News.
Acouthan believes stock markets and commodity prices, especially metals and energy, will continue to be under pressure.
Inflation, meanwhile, remains low in Europe, which suggests the ECB won't necessarily be under pressure to raise interest rates.
To be stressed out means to be under pressure. People go on vacations so that they can relieve their stress, and they can forget about work, relax and rest.
But the Red Sea will not be an explosive or erupting volcanic region, as Hawaii is, because it will not be under pressure from colliding or compressing plates.
It contains high levels of vitamin Ccan not only maintain the concentration of red blood cells, making the body resistant, and vitamin Ccan also be under pressure.
The bank's reasoning, however, is based on near-term valuation due to the fact that Sina's profit margins will be under pressure while the company repositions itself.
It was time for me to start living with discomfort and be under pressure (by the way there is a difference between GOOD pressure and the pressure from useless stress).
The most-ailing financial institutions won't be forced to lend immediately, but healthier banks will be under pressure to move money from their vaults into the economy.
The market will still be under pressure from shrinking money supply after the holiday, as regulators tighten liquidity and add new share supplies to curb possible asset bubbles.
Sevilla always seem to be under pressure, he says. Right now they are seventh, and getting into the Champions League is the priority, but they are 12 points adrift of that target.
For months he had been under pressure to resign and was about to be sidelined anyway.
Though the pressure Fulton is under must be considerable, he has retained his dry humour.
Countries enjoying surpluses will be under no pressure to revalue their currencies.
Women are caught in a double bind, marginalized in the community if they are not wives and mothers, under excessive pressure to be perfect if they are.
What those early craftsmen had found by trial and error was that under pressure a pagoda's loose stack of floors could be made to slither to and fro independent of one another.
If you were under pressure to be perfect, you are terrified of failing in the most public of ways.
If you were under pressure to be perfect, you are terrified of failing in the most public of ways.