Someone once said: 'beauty is in the eye of the beer holder'; if that's the case, then Belgium is exquisite.
As I explain in an earlier post, however, beauty is not in the eye of the beholder; it is an objective, quantifiable trait of someone like height or weight.
There is, of course, the equally famous expression "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", to counter it.
Brain scans of people looking at paintings and photographs have revealed that beauty is not only in the eye of the beholder.
Of course, non-scientists are quick to point out that beauty is still in the eye of the beholder -- and the social context that shapes what they see.
Now researchers have finally proved that beauty is in fact in the eye of the beer holder, rather than the beholder.
In Bernd's eye, God was beauty, God was nature, God was the flowers, the mountains, the moon and the stars, so he wanted to be outside all the time.
Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but I think anyone who reads beautiful Code will find that it's a beautiful book.
As Margaret Wolfe Hungerford said, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”
It's partly fate, and partly a case of "Beauty is in the eye of beholder".
South African Broll, who specialises in science and health writing, said: 'the book will show readers the beauty of what is too small to see with the naked eye.
It is true that one cannot learn Art or cannot induce in someone the eye for beauty.
Beauty is said to be in the eye of the beholder, regardless of the other senses.
And yet such a forgery would perfectly reflect the contemporary faith in science to conquer every realm, even one where beauty is supposed to be in the eye of the beholder.
There is, of course, the equally famous expression “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, to counter it.
You have a natural eye for beauty and possess a natural grace in your dealings with people.
Whether you like the speed or not is another issue, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, isn’t it?” says Wasif Latif, VP of Equity Investments for the $1.1 billion USAA Emerging Markets Fund.
至于你是否喜欢其升值速度则是另外一回事,但在这个问题上可谓见仁见智,不是吗?” 资产规模达11亿美元的USAA新兴市场基金(USAA Emerging Markets Fund)股票投资副总裁瓦斯夫·拉蒂夫(WasifLatif)如是说。
More often than not, we assume that "beauty is only in the eye of the beholder" -that it is nothing more than a completely subjective and relative judgment.
We say that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder, " but what would it mean to look at ourselves as though we really believed this were true?
It is believed in common that beauty exists everywhere on the campus as long as you have an eye for it.
Among these several kinds of beauty the eye takes most delight in colours.
This special property is no longer the common aesthetic feeling of natural world but the feelings of appreciation of the beauty in the work of writers and the eye of readers.
The summer of 2004, a girls somehow fell in love with me. She was no beauty to the eye, but she was a kind hearted soul.
Such beauty in the real world needs to be understood with the eye of beauty and imagination.
In 1878 when Margaret Wolfe Hungerford wrote "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", she argued that individual opinions varied about what accounted for beauty.
In 1878 when Margaret Wolfe Hungerford wrote "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", she argued that individual opinions varied about what accounted for beauty.