It seems that in China the long forgotten management tool "do it because I say so" still works a treat.
"As a child, I really hated being told" because I say so "but I can appreciate the joyful simplicity of it now."
I say "the evening light," because in the evening we wander out, and so that aspect is impressed on my mind.
Well I am interested to hear what the candidates have to say because I have been living overseas so I need to hear more information.
So new money, or I should say new "virtual money" because it only "materializes" in bank-accounting-book entries, is constantly created through this process of artificial credit expansion.
Even so, I regularly read and listen to what Limbaugh and his Allies say, because sometimes they make good points, and I can learn something useful.
I am tempted to say that I liked it so much because there weren't as many people as at Zhangjiajie (or Huangshan).
If it doesn't matter what the fitness games say about my body because they're full of s***, then I don't worry about my body so much when I play them.
These are testy waters I must say because so many times I've found relationships to be negative influences as far as bending yourself in ways you shouldn't.
So saying it cannot occur just because the alternative is too bad to fathom, I think, is a bit too easy to say.
Don't say it isn't so because I can hear it going on around me all the time. We are all talking to everyone about everything.
Because so often, especially with guys, you'll say, 'Hey, wehad Valentine's Day. I got you roses, I got you chocolate, it says I love you.What more do we need?'
I don't say this because the show's premise is so dazzling-it's basically about a ragtag band moving around the American South and trying to keep from being devoured by the zombies.
So now, that's going to be particularly important when we have variables that are related because, let's say now that I have a function that depends on x, y, and z.
So, let's do our first example. Let's say I give you a function f = -y because it doesn't depend on x.
My favourite is, as I say, a cliche: a museum you have to queue for, because so many other people want to see its exhibits, which include Botticelli's Venus.
All right. I want to do one more extended example here., because we've got another piece to do, but I want to capture this, because it's important, so let me again try and say it the following way.
I've talked to so many people who I can tell are really good people, but who I tire of talking to simply because they don't seem to hear anything I say.
I've never really been able say why, but perhaps it is because I sense unconsciously that when I'm in one drivers somehow see me as safe, or zoned off, and so in less need of attention.
I would like to say to my friends, brothers and sisters, because you and I are so colorful.
It's an exciting finding because so often people say, 'Oh, it's all in my genes, what can I do?'
这是一个令人兴奋的发现,因为人们总是说,'噢,这一切都取决于我的基因,我有什么办法呢? '?
Because your English is not very good, so I translated into French, it is important to convey what I want to say to you are good!
Prof: Only number 1, exactly so. I say, could be, because it could be I can say the room is hot and that's an standard intonation that makes it a question. You see what I mean?
I say "it will" because the guys at the wind tunnel have done a fantastic job to improve the situation so I'm very optimistic about what it will give us.
So I answered him that it is because what elder people say to me is true.
Explaining what was so remarkable about that moment, the notes say: 'My astonishment is not in the fact that she could swim across the pool because I always knew she could do it.
One of the most difficult but smartest things to say during an argument is, “I love you but I’m so pissed at you about/for/because [insert argument here].”
One of the most difficult but smartest things to say during an argument is, “I love you but I’m so pissed at you about/for/because [insert argument here].”