It's interesting that many of evolutionary design's major proponents, like Kent Beck and Ward Cunningham, are stunningly good designers.
The latter was a success because it was driven by people like Kent Beck and Ward Cunningham who develop software.
后者之所以成功,是因为像Kent Beck和WardCunningham这些在实际开发软件的人在推动它。
Kent Beck once said that software development is simply listening, testing, coding, and designing, and that anyone who tells you different is trying to sell you something.
Kent Beck曾经说过软件开发只是简单地倾听、测试、编码,以及设计,任何提出不同意见的人都是想要向您出售东西。
Participants also cited: Kent Beck in Be Yourself Create More Value as an excellent resource.
参与者也将Kent Beck的《做自己,创造更多价值》作为引用来源。
Kent Beck talks about self-similarity in nature — that is, design patterns that work well, often are replicated in various sizes and environments.
Kent Beck谈到了本质上的自相似性(self - similarity),也就是说:有效的设计模式总是可以复制到不同的规模和环境之中。
If I heard that someone such as Ron Jeffries or Kent Beck would be in town, or at a conference I was attending, I arranged to meet with them, and they were generous with their time.
如果我听说类似RonJeffries或者Kent Beck来访或者出席一个我参加的会议,我会想办法与他们见面,而他们总是很慷慨地花时间会解答问题。
Kent Beck describes a mock object as a testing object, one that implements a fake version of an expensive or complicated resource by answering constants.
Kent Beck将模拟对象描述为测试对象,该对象可以使用常量进行响应,从而实现开销大或复杂的资源的模仿版本。
Kent Beck observed another benefit of knowing the team's velocity.
Kent Beck发现了另外一个了解团队速度的好处。
To paraphrase Kent Beck "every hour at the office that you don't want to be there is overtime"
引用一下Kent Beck那句话:“如果你不想工作,那么你在办公室里度过的每一个小时,都等于是加班。”
Extreme Programming Explained (Kent Beck) is a good intro to XP, and even if you don't subscribe to the everything-agile approach, it makes a good read.
解析极限编程(Extreme ProgrammingExplained)(Kent Back)是一本不错的极限编程(XP)入门书,它能够让你即使在从未了解过任何敏捷方法的情况下,也能够很好地进行阅读。
One of the benefits surrounding test-driven-developed code mentioned in Part 1 is composability, based on the composed method pattern by Kent Beck (see Resources).
第 1部分中提到的测试驱动开发的好处之一是可组合性,也就是采用Kent Beck 提出的组合方法模式(见参考资料)。
Kent Beck and Ward Cunningham proposed the adoption of CRC CARDS to perform object-object design during team sessions.
Kent Beck和WardCunningham提议在团队会议过程中采用crc卡片来进行面向对象设计。
Kent Beck, recently published a paper where he Shared his thoughts about tools and Agile software development.
Kent Beck最近发表了一篇文章,其中谈到了他对于工具和敏捷软件开发之间关系的一些想法。
For many managers, this is a radically different way of thinking. As Kent Beck said in his paper on the revised practices.
The idea isn't entirely new - Kent Beck wrote on Real Options in his 1999 "white book" (Extreme Progamming Explained).
这个观点也不完全是新的——Kent Beck在1999年他出版的“白皮书”《解析极限编程》中就谈到过真实期权。
In fact, this emphasis on one team is the primary driver behind the changes taking place in the XP world. In a draft of a paper on the subject entitled one team, Kent Beck said.
ExtremeProgramming was created by Kent Beck during his work on the ChryslerComprehensive Compensation System (C3) payroll project.
"Optimism is an occupational hazard of programming; feedback is the treatment. " (Kent Beck)
"Optimism is an occupational hazard of programming; feedback is the treatment. " (Kent Beck)