Others post so frequently that users become irritated.
And when it doesn't go the way we want it to go, we become irritated, angry, or rageful.
Depression can set in, people become irritated with each other, and sleep can be disrupted, studies have found.
If family and friends become irritated, it can compound the problem, and temporary isolation and estrangement may occur.
In most cases, the glands become irritated somehow and simply begin to produce too much oil, which results in a saturation of the gland.
I squeeze through the narrow doors of churches, push past my neighbors, trying, like everyone else, to get a better view, trying not to become irritated.
Many parents and teachers have become irritated to the point of distraction at the way the weed-style growth of "like" has spread through the idiom of the young.
At the culmination of my difficulties on the evening before the dream I had become irritated and had said that what she was needing of me was little better than hair-splitting.
The mental health of humans in space has been extensively studied. Depression can set in, people become irritated with each other, and sleep can be disrupted, studies have found.
If your teeth have become more sensitive or your mouth is irritated after brushing, try changing toothpastes.
The athlete may also become moody, easily irritated, have altered sleep patterns, become depressed, or lose the competitive desire and enthusiasm for the sport. CET-6, 2003.9.
And it isn't always easy to find peace when you've become upset or irritated.
On many days I would become come irritated to the point I would still be feeling it when I arrived at work.
Or don't wash their dishes after eating. Actually, I have a lot of these little annoyances-don't we all? And it isn't always easy to find peace when you've become upset or irritated.
I have known early that many people, just like me, are considerably sensitive to reproaches and will become over-irritated once they hear they, but they try to hide their sensitiveness.
She told MailOnline: 'You probably shouldn't be showering for more than 20 minutes. Water is an irritant, so the longer you're in there, the more irritated and dry your skin will become.
Recently, some motorists have become so irritated during rush hour that they intentionally crash into other cars or throw things at cars that cut in front of them.
I have known early that many people, just like me, are considerably sensitive to reproaches and will become over-irritated once they hear they, but they try to hide their sensitiveness.
Once a pimple is formed, it needs to be treated kindly, or it will become more irritated and pronounced.
Once a pimple is formed, it needs to be treated kindly, or it will become more irritated and pronounced.