Before we start, we should make it clear how much the air fare is to Beijing.
Before we start, I'd like to know something about yourself. And try to be brief.
That said, my husband and I both want to hike a few more trails before we start a family.
Before we start on the PHP application code, let's try to understand the DB2 driver for PHP.
在开始讲述PHP应用程序代码之前,我们先了解一下PHP的DB 2驱动程序。
Before we start coding our session bean in the WebSphere Studio environment, perform these steps.
Before we start designing, we need to plan out the requirements, looks and the functionality.
We also have to clean out the stalls and groom the animals before we start repairs on the fences.
Before we start building more balanced lives it's important to understand what life balance really is.
Before we start, you need to establish something: are you an auditory, visual, or experiential learner?
Before we start to define the Model Bridges, let's look at the classes associated with the application data.
In my country, Japan, we have a habit of saying words just before we start to eat meals and finish our meals.
Before we start benching, let's take some time to review these features so that we all understand how they work.
Feifei: Well, before we start talking about today's word can we discuss your anti-social carrot eating please?
My own suspicion is that we're going to penetrate the 10% barrier and stay there for a while before we start down.'
A few things you should know before we start the story is that the land of Israel where Elijah was going was very evil.
Before we start work on the mock objects, you might like to examine the business process as it is currently implemented.
Before we start getting too humble, we must remember that this is no more (or less) your world than it is anyone else's.
Before we start the modeling process, it is important to make clear that our aim is not to find a model that is an exact fit.
So if x is initialized to "0" before we start, this is effectively the same thing as calculating y&z and storing the value in x.
因此如果在开始前我们就把x初始化成“0”,那么这就象计算 y & z并把值存到 x 里。
Before we start talking about how to get clients on twitter, there are a few important details that I want to get out of the way.
It's important to get this work done before we start coding, because it's very disruptive to change engineering processes mid-stream.
However, before we start measuring it — and I will do ten oscillations to — get a reasonable, accurate result — I want to warn you.
All right. So before we start in with today's notes, I do want to mention that this morning the Nobel Prize in chemistry was announced.
All right. So before we start in with today's notes, I do want to mention that this morning the Nobel Prize in chemistry was announced.