We'll begin by doing some more shopping.
Begin by doing the easiest moves to feel this out.
And so, what I want to do is begin by doing a little bit of introduction so you get to know what's going on.
ASSESS: At some point, the website or product will be available for use by enough users where you can begin measuring how well you are doing.
By doing this, the proposed change strategy is validated, and you can begin to build and consolidate the central tooling infrastructure.
By doing this you will begin to discover what employees would like to get from their work.
Although this won't be common practice by any stretch of the imagination, I predict that at least one major site (and quite a few minor ones) will begin doing this.
By doing this, people begin to be changed by the authentic truth and life that is evident in your integrity, in your joy, in your peace, in your words, and in your ACTS of kindness.
By doing this, people begin to be changed by the authentic truth and life that is evident in your integrity, in your joy, in your peace, in your words, and in your ACTS of kindness.