The settlement ends more than four years of litigation on behalf of the residents.
But the judge made clear that Kimberly did have standing to sue on her own behalf.
On behalf of my government, I have the honor to convey to you the following content.
On behalf of the Students' Union, I'm writing to invite you to give us a speech on Chinese history.
On behalf of my crew, I'd like to welcome you aboard British Airways flight 602 from New York to London.
I'm now writing on behalf of the classmates to invite you to come and attend our farewell party on Saturday.
I'm lucky to have the opportunity to participate in the national dancing competition on behalf of our school.
I decided to make notes during the lecture and refer to interesting parts and thank her on behalf of the society.
I decided to make notes during the lecture, and refer to interesting parts and thank her on behalf of the society.
The ability to guard customer data is the key to market value, which the board is responsible for on behalf of shareholders.
Back at the park, Bianchi's intervention on her son's behalf ended in an undignified exchange of insulting words with the other boy's mother.
Anthony Scaramucci, a hedge fund manager and a Harvard Law School classmate of Obama, spoke on behalf of Wall Street, saying, "We have felt like a pinata."
Yet the AFL's voluntarism had accommodated certain exceptions: the AFL had supported government intervention on behalf of injured workers and child laborers.
Sometimes, when I was pushed into an argument on left brain versus right brain, or nature versus nurture, I would instantly fight fiercely on my behalf and all womankind.
With the forum approaching, I'm writing this letter on behalf of the organizing committee to inform you that as the speaker of the forum, please make sure you can work at a given time and place.
Instead of having one province or a series of hospitals within a province negotiate a price for a given drug on the provincial list, the national agency would negotiate on behalf of all provinces.
They campaigned on behalf of asylum seekers.
"What do you mean?" I asked, offended on Liddie's behalf.
I thanked my parents for all their self-sacrifice on my behalf.
Their outspokenness on behalf of civil rights sometimes cost them their jobs.
For over 20 years, the Walla Walla Wallaby Foundation has served the Walla Walla community through education and outreach on behalf of the wallaby.
I'd like to represent a problem to the school on behalf of the student union.
He offered the prisoner a chance, saying, "If thou canst say aught in thy behalf, speak."
On behalf of the student union, I'd like to put forward a proposal to save water on our campus.
We'll talk about the amount of money that goes into Washington to lobby on behalf of the food industry.
Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of our government, I'd like to extend a sincere welcome and heartfelt gratitude.
Deuteronomy emphasizes God's gracious and undeserved love of Israel, and that's expressed in his mighty acts on Israel's behalf.
Within companies, the right compensation design can provide incentives for executives to think beyond their own time at the company and on behalf of all stakeholders.
If ambition is to be well regarded, the rewards of ambition—wealth, distinction, control over one's destiny—must be deemed worthy of the sacrifices made on ambition's behalf.
If ambition is to be well regarded, the rewards of ambition—wealth, distinction, control over one's destiny—must be deemed worthy of the sacrifices made on ambition's behalf.