From today, the time difference with Beijing Time is exactly 12 hours – completely upside down, day and night!
Today the sightseeing tourism will be over in the temple of heaven this time hope can become your Beijing trip to the permanent memory.
Today, whether in Bangkok, Beijing or Berlin, the roads of the world's most populous urban areas are flooded with more motor vehicles than at any other time in history.
I am afraid I cannot prevent the whole picture of our cultural programs within such a short period of time. Actually, what we have shown you here today is only a fraction of Beijing that awaits you.
I mentioned something about the bloody high price of pasta in Beijing last time in my article, and today I am going to tell you how simple to make it yourself.
As traditional house in Beijing, Beijing courtyard house has very long history, and still exists even at modem time of today.
The 16-year time frame means that anyone born today in Beijing who grows up in the city will spend his or her entire childhood breathing unhealthy air.
年的时间意味着,如今在北京出生、长大的儿童,在整个童年时期都将呼吸有害空气。 最近几年,居住在北京的家长们日益担心空气质量及其他污染。
Beijing Today 2:30, Group C World Cup Green Point Stadium in Cape Town had time round in the second match by England against Algeria.
Beijing Today 2:30, Group C World Cup Green Point Stadium in Cape Town had time round in the second match by England against Algeria.