The rules are still being discussed, but some of the rules have been decided on.
Ideas expressed may not be well connected or cohesive so that familiarity with the stimulus is necessary in order to follow what is being discussed.
Typically, ideas expressed may not be well connected or cohesive so that familiarity with the stimulus is necessary in order to follow what is being discussed.
Cuts to their pension plans are now being discussed.
Even headlines of the articles can be enough to give you an handle on the topic being discussed.
I have a final lesson that is also being discussed this week: the need for financial sustainability.
Health and well being are being discussed all over the developed and developing worlds at the moment.
Others might know as well, but I don't relish the idea of being discussed so I'm keeping quiet from my end.
The proposals being discussed at the IAEA explicitly acknowledge countries' "rights" to nuclear technology.
The language features are already being discussed in context of the development of Squeak, Python, and Erlang.
Alerts of search terms GoogleAlert not affiliated with Google : See where and when your site is being discussed.
Once you've joined a group, click Message Board and scan the topics that are being discussed (see Figure 17).
The employee must always be made to understand that what is being discussed is the performance, not the person.
In Angola, National Immunization Days (NIDs) are planned for September, and additional responses are being discussed.
When you hear about "HDTV," this is what is being discussed — a digital signal in the 720p, 1080i or 1080p format.
当你听到高清电视时要意识到对方是在强调它的信号格式是720p, 1080i或1080p。
Instead, much of the money being discussed by the big international lenders will go directly to individual countries.
While various options are being discussed, it is likely that the new plan would call for the banning of even more vehicles.
Reblogging Great Posts: Blogging about a great article is one of the best ways to engage with the topics being discussed.
The second challenge deals with agility and is generally being discussed in the context of agile software development methods.
Other, even more far-reaching security guarantees, were still being discussed and would be contingent on successful peace talks.
The first proposals for describing the boundary layer marking the beginning of the Anthropocene are already being discussed.
Without a 1969 exchange like the one now being discussed between the White House and the Kremlin, my parents would never have married.
Within days after the three fugitive slaves crossed the river, their exploits — and their fate — were being discussed throughout the nation.
It is widely being discussed whether the country-of-origin rule in the Directive, although not intended as one, has the effect of a conflict rule.
Everyone agrees that the cost of feeding a family has risen sharply. But there is less agreement when reasons for the rise are being discussed.
One of a number of ideas being discussed, the policy is intended to encourage companies to start hiring again by making it cheaper to add new workers.
Details of a rollover are still being discussed-some big Banks are now talking about supporting a Greek buyback of existing debt at market prices.
Details of a rollover are still being discussed-some big Banks are now talking about supporting a Greek buyback of existing debt at market prices.