It's knowing your infinite Beingness that is eternal and never changes.
When you’re in the right place of beingness, life automatically supports you.
You must go beyond the havingness state and reach the beingness realm where you only are.
We come to give you the freedom and liberty to return to your natural state of Beingness.
Drop all your thoughts and what is left over is you in your infinite happiness, your Beingness.
Whatever the action, the essence of the service will remain within the beingness that informs the service.
Experiencing the process of death with one you love will take you into a bigger, more expansive dimension of beingness.
Now, when you're in a state of beingness, that does not mean that you 're an ethereal being who floats from spot to spot.
God is all Beingness. We are, when we look within, all Beingness pretending we're a tiny part of It, a limited body mind.
Experiencing the process of death with one you love will take you into a bigger, more expansive dimension of 16 beingness.
However, what you're doing, is trying to remove the obstacles, the blinders to seeing that fact that you are your beingness.
Because you know in your Beingness that you are NOT LIMITED and you'll never be totally happy until you regain that natural state.
Just let go of the mind completely and what's left over is your infinite beingness, all knowing, all powerful, everywhere present.
Thought first divides and separates you from the One Beingness, and then creates a multitude of beings and things and all the relationships.
That is why, sometimes, after you have gained a new level of Beingness, for a brief time, it seems discord and challenges reappear in your life for resolution.
But, beingness alone from time remote can not meet the requirements of the existential difference itself. Difference requires the world itself to have its internal restrictions.
Consequently, it results in a unique form of outlook the world of ourselves with the view to providing social and material foundation for the search of the changing rules of Mans beingness.
I think one of the reasons my purpose statement has worked so well for me is that it incorporates beingness, and it isn't heavy on the doingness in a way that might make me feel pressured or stressed.
Chakras 11 and 12 work together to retain balance between the masculine and feminine sides of the form along with one's life dance, or movement between times of beingness and outward moving activity.
Chakras 11 and 12 work together to retain balance between the masculine and feminine sides of the form along with one's life dance, or movement between times of beingness and outward moving activity.