Along with the bell end of the year gone, we feel an upsurge of agitation, dusty smile, warm blessings reverberating on campus, ushered in a new semester.
Possibly the oddest suggestion is that the universe is funnel-shaped, with one narrow end and one flared end like the bell of a trumpet.
Beyond Derby, at Bell Gorge, tiered pools of dark water, Shadowed by ochre cliffs and connected by a tumbling cascade, lay at the end of an increasingly verdant bush walk.
Thanks to the advent of financial television, we are probably all familiar with the sight of the bell being rung to start and end the day's trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).
Examination of the end of the bell, and mother Ying Shangqu pass with a cup of canned good bottle of bubbles urged children to drink strong tea, tea is also strong, Gengnong situation.
"I must and will find the bell," said he, "even if I am obliged to go to the end of the world."
In any organisation there's a bell curve of people's abilities, and we know that a small but significant number of people will be at the wrong end of it.
But at the end of the summer 1991, an alarm bell started to ring, discrediting the phenomenon.
At the end of the film he can be seen holding a special 'believe' bell - to remind the youngster Father Christmas is real.
The bell of the motor nozzle, which was machined from a single piece of steel, is visible at the aft end of the rocket.
Bell-shaped worms there is a unique long-handled-shaped organ attached to the fish through its body one end of the handle attached parasites.
Attacking when the referee is Breaking fighters apart or fighting after the bell indicates the end of the round also commit fouls.
While Big Ben is used as a nickname for the clock, strictly speaking, it is the main bell inside the clock, and it also often refers to Elizabeth Tower, at the north end of the Houses of Parliament.
He examined the red bell rope, the end of which lay upon the pillow of the bed.
Carefully check the amount of water seepage from the end cap and end bell weep hole.
Tie a cat's tail to one end of a rope, which is 1m's long, and a bell on another end, just wait and see.
Anchor chain hawser pipes shall be mounted on the port and starboard of the ship, made of steel plate. A casting anchor bell mouth shall be fitted at the lower end of hawser pipe.
In 2003 it opened full-service restaurants called "Taco Bell Grande" in Shanghai, then in the southern city of Shenzhen, offering higher-end fare like steaks and fajitas.
2003年,它在上海开设了几家名为“塔可钟墨西哥风情餐厅”(Taco BellGrande)的全服务连锁餐厅,而后在中国南方城市深圳开设了几家,后者提供牛排和法士达等更高端的食物。
On the opposite end of the bell crank lever, both the steering tie rods are mounted.
Alcatel Shanghai Bell delivers end-to-end solutions, covering fixed, mobile and private communications markets.
Both ends of the radioactive stent with appearance of column mesh is in smooth bell-mounted shape, and a radioactive source is plated or welded in a side area of the stent back end.
Both ends of the radioactive stent with appearance of column mesh is in smooth bell-mounted shape, and a radioactive source is plated or welded in a side area of the stent back end.