Most of us have survived a recession, so we're familiar with the belt-tightening strategies needed to survive a slump.
Consumers are also showing signs of belt-tightening.
The fund espouses a different method of identifying cases of belt-tightening.
Portugal and Spain were persuaded to announce extra fiscal belt-tightening this week.
The scale of budget belt-tightening suggests these Banks' policy rates could stay way down for several years.
Voters in creditor countries resent endless bail-outs; in debtor countries they resent endless belt-tightening.
Narrowing things down even further, to the five most painful episodes of belt-tightening, produces a similar result.
The rich economies face recession, with all that comes with it: bankruptcies, belt-tightening and rising unemployment.
The resulting products often turn out to have huge appeal in the rich world too, especially in an era of belt-tightening.
The belt-tightening exercise, if implemented this quarter, should result in slower GDP growth by the second half of the year.
We're prepared to be very belt-tightening in the second three months, so any improvement in maternity pay could only be a good thing.
It blames poor growth-the commission forecasts a euro-zone recession in2013-and fears that more belt-tightening might make things worse.
It blames poor growth-the commission forecasts a euro-zone recession in 2013-and fears that more belt-tightening might make things worse.
If the office itself is starting to look run down and like its in need of an upgrade, it's indicative of excessive belt-tightening measures.
Household consumption fell in 2009 as a whole but sales of beansprouts, a classic belt-tightening purchase in Japan, jumped by more than 10%.
Wei's income from his landscape paintings, which are sold in Europe, fell 80 percent last year, and the Year of the Ox seems likely to bring more belt-tightening.
Consumers seem only concerned, not panicked, and many say they remain optimistic about the economy's long-term prospects even as they do some modest belt-tightening.
But is it right to claim, as Mr Trichet and other devotees of "expansionary fiscal consolidations" do, that belt-tightening can actually aid growth in the short term?
Consumers seem only concerned, not panicked, and many say they remain optimistic about the economy's long-term prospects, even as they do some modest belt-tightening.
British consumers are apparently embarking on a new round of belt-tightening as soaring food and petrol prices and below-inflation wage rises eat into household budgets.
The belt-tightening environment in which it flourished does not pertain in many of the emerging markets it is targeting, although it certainly does in most of the rich world.
Consumers seem only mildly concerned, not panicked, and many say they remain optimistic about the economy's long-term prospects, even as they do some modest belt-tightening.
As part of the belt-tightening, the company will permanently scale back plans for expansion after 2008, when it will open new stores at the slowest rate in its 30-year history.
He worries that Americans, long used to instant financial gratification, have borrowed so heavily from the future that the necessary belt-tightening will prove to be beyond them.
Just ask Ireland, which is on the verge of signing up for a big bailout from Europe - despite the fact that by belt-tightening standards Ireland has been one of Europe's rare success stories.
General Motors and Chrysler were expected to draw on the funds immediately to avert bankruptcy, and will be required to implement new belt-tightening moves and demonstrate their long-term viability.
The ever-growing pack of GRC vendors have clearly defined the value they deliver, but not that they're something the enterprise cannot do without during a period of belt tightening.
That’s why we’re tightening Washington’s belt by cutting programs that don’t work, contracts that aren’t fair, and spending we don’t need.
That’s why we’re tightening Washington’s belt by cutting programs that don’t work, contracts that aren’t fair, and spending we don’t need.