His voice spans three octaves, he can really belt it out and bring a song to life.
"Nope, " I replied. "You should belt it out at the top of your lungs on the way to the meeting and hear it in your head when you walk in. Try it.
Artificial illumination on a Kuiper Belt Object would stand out because it would vary less than reflected sunlight does when the world moved toward or away from the sun.
I can't move it. Could you help me get it out of the conveyer belt?
If Rust Belt residents notice the irony of inviting Japanese investors back to revive their former colony, they're not saying it out loud.
And you got this belt buckle and it just says you know I'm here I'm ready to open my heart out and my mom's bedroom.
Interest rates on sovereign debt soar (see chart below) when the trust in the sanctity of that debt, and the country's ability to tighten their belt while growing out of it, plummet.
My so-called singing act was to belt out country standards to the backup of music-only tapes on a portable recorder, a kind of do-it-yourself karaoke machine.
And whether he shows it or not, sometimes hes wondering if his shirt looks better tucked in or out, or if his belly is sticking out a little too far over his belt.
It is pointed out that, the number, scale and migration direction of fans were controlled by palaeogeomorphology, periods and strength of fault movement, and the development of slope-bend belt.
Sir, my bag has just come out of the belt and I find it is scratched.
Paddy: There's only one way out of this. You're going to have to change your lifestyle, tighten your belt and keep tightening it.
You then hear me unbuckle my belt and slip it out of the loops on the waistband of my suit trousers.
It is pointed out that each belt drum diameter is corresponding to an optimum belt thickness, and steel belt with optimum thickness should be coiled to obtain the maximum fluid lift.
How could I tell Mom it was the most hideous dress I had ever seen? The too-intense colors, the gaudy rhinestone buttons, the shiny patent leather belt, the hopelessly out-of-style billowy skirt.
It is pointed out that in tropical belt cumulus heating and sea-air interaction should be mostly taken into account, and the relations among the mechanisms should be studied more.
It has been pointed out that the design of key parts for great belt conveyors by using of the method of non-standardized design.
A professional with many working years under his belt, my friend said he knew there were problems just a few weeks into the new job, but he was determined to stick it out.
In view of the problems which the belt of conveyor is easily teared by irregularity matter. The authors designed out a new protective device and applied it to the production of JianShan ore mine.
The heat from this death rattle will transform the solar system; it will briefly be springtime in the Kuiper Belt out beyond Neptune.
It assays technological parameter and major features of abrasive belt grinding. It also discusses the ways as to the improvement of productivity and quality of wiping out welded seam and polishing.
Besides, It is pointed out that the belt of Yushu-Zaduo-Naoliin south Qinghai province is the favourable district of prospecting enriched porphyry copper deposits.
He took the Swiss Army knife from its case on his belt and flicked out the bottle opener on it, using it expertly.
It points out that the major seismic belt lies on plate boundary. It provides important decision basis for municipal construction and project site selection.
It points out that the major seismic belt lies on plate boundary. It provides important decision basis for municipal construction and project site selection.