40 of the Best Twitter Brands and the People Behind them.
We hope this article inspires those large corporations and small businesses that have avoided Twitter because it’s a new tool. It’s easily one of the best ways to reach your consumers.
Twitter is actually a perfect example of a social network at its best, because it enables a new, improved way for people to communicate.
That could improve the quality of articles, they say, because the best way to get links on Twitter is to write a story people want to share with friends.
To best satisfy our readers this time around, we posted the question on Facebook and Twitter: "What is your favorite store-bought ice cream sandwich?"
Since Twitter is already becoming one of the best shopping resources, Mr. Chaffee said, why not enable people to make purchases from the site as well?
Just because people are my best resource, it doesn't mean that they're the only way to find reliable information on Twitter.
In many ways, it is probably a good thing that brands are still trying to figure out how to best utilize Twitter.
The best current example is surely Twitter, whose API has historically been responsible for around 90% of Twitter's activity - via third party apps.
目前最佳的例子无疑是Twitter的,通过第三方app,其API承担了所发生的90% Twitter的行为。
More often than not, news breaks first on Twitter, and I've found that I'm brought to sites with the best coverage because the community cuts through the junk.
Focus your efforts on social media and reputation management to build your email database and Facebook and Twitter followers and save your best deals for them.
Twitter for Android is by far and away the best client for the platform -but you'll note that none of the other popular Android Twitter clients made the cut either.
Since then, I've used it exclusively as a replacement to my RSS reader and I couldn't be happier. Believe it or not, Twitter is the best way to find all the best news.
I only want others to see me at my very best, whether it's on the blog, on television, or even on Twitter.
Thankfully, there are two sites built on top of Twitter that help you locate the best deals.
Starting with this line is the best way to make your audience members check their Twitter or Instagram accounts within the first 10 seconds of your speech.
So before I went out last night (for the FIFTH time in six nights!), I asked my friends on Twitter (follow me here) for some of their best tips on eating healthy at social gatherings.
While there are very popular microblogging services like Twitter, Tumblr or Plurk, being a rival may not be (or may be) the best idea.
There were a number of small companies that were in contention for Best LittleCo: FriendFeed, Meebo, and last year's winner Twitter would all have been deserving winners.
The pop star Missy Elliott posted a link on Twitter to a YouTube video called Michael Jackson Best Dance Moves, adding the message: "A little something to remember the KING by".
The best way to get your blog posts spreading to Facebook, Twitter, Dugg and e-mail, and ultimately getting read, is by having good headlines.
Starting with this line is the best way to make your audience members check their Twitter or Instagram accounts within the first 10 seconds of your speech.
Starting with this line is the best way to make your audience members check their Twitter or Instagram accounts within the first 10 seconds of your speech.