During the hot days of summer, Maria and her daughter drive an ice-cream truck through neighborhoods and parks in Billings.
We didn't see Billings for two days.
Sources put the Singapore billings alone at $10 million.
It was the ball from Billings, covered with autographs from the players.
Money will buy a pretty dog, but it won't buy the wag of his tail. — Josh Billings.
The actual trophy is manufactured exclusively by Billings Artworks in Ridgway, Colorado.
Funds will be maintained in the old project to make payment for any outstanding billings.
Billings Gazette - I consider myself lucky to be able to share so many recipes with my readers.
Money will buy a pretty dog, but it won't buy the wag of his tail. — J, Billings, American humorist.
Since 1902, Northern Hotel has welcomed business and leisure travelers to downtown Billings, Montana.
The tradition of setting store by the rankings on *billings, or fanwei, comes from the Japanese film industry.
It employs Dr Darse Billings, a consultant with the University of Alberta's poker research group, as a technical games analyst.
You basically compute a formula that can at least break even in the long run, no matter what your opponent does, "Billings said."
The professional services industry, in good faith for the vast number of visitors Beijing friends to provide special fares to Billings.
"Cloning has not been accomplished in any primate," said Billings. "in species where it has taken place, there were a lot of abnormalities."
The new library joins with the other long buildings of the Billings community, informed by the dynamic and angular alignment of the rail tracks through the city.
Some fashion Mags do the most creative covers in the industry, while others use imagery that seems like nothing more than a place mat for blurbs and cover billings.
My client base changed very little, except that billings increased, so I think thats evidence the clients were satisfied enough to stay with me for more than three years.
答:我的客户很稳定,因此我认为三四年来顾客是很满意与我一起工作的。 在广告部门中那是很不平常的事情。 他们知道完全可以靠我去处理他们的生意,就像让我处理自己的生意一样。
Howard Penney, an analyst at Friedman, Billings, Ramsey in New York, thinks Starbucks needs to cut its rate of expansion in America by half. "They are a mature market," he says.
"What it amounts to, " said Billings, "is that The Goose can convert any radioactive isotope into a stable one. It has developed the perfect defense against radiation sickness.
Friedman, Billings, Ramsey (FBR), an investment bank, reckons trading commissions have plummeted by almost a third since 2000, and by even more if higher-margin option trades are excluded.
投资银行Friedman,Billings,Ramsey (FBR)估计交易佣金较2000年已骤降三分之一,如果有更高利润的期权交易未被计算在内的话,下跌幅度将会更大。
Billings said that experience with cloning of animals shows that cloning is "unsafe and risky" because many of the young are born with deformities or die shortly before or after birth.
The remarks from Zavos came during a debate with Dr. Paul r. Billings, a University of California professor and an expert on clinical genetics, who bluntly rejected any plans to clone humans.
The remarks from Zavos came during a debate with Dr. Paul r. Billings, a University of California professor and an expert on clinical genetics, who bluntly rejected any plans to clone humans.