The analysis and mining of bioinformation can be strongly supported by means of acquiring high quality bio-data efficiently and conveniently from integrated heterogeneous bioinformation resource.
He said that because ants were exceptionally good "bio-indicators," environmental experts could use the data to check if an entire ecosystem is healthy, based mostly on its ant population.
So far, 40, 000 subscribers have sent in saliva samples so their genetic data can be added to a related bio-bank for genetic research.
While bio identical hormones had been promoted in the past as a safer alternative, there aren't enough data to indicate that they're any safer than synthetic hormones.
We analyze the composing of Bio Energy enterprise's the logistics costs of fuel in this article, which supplying data base to set down a reasonable logistics plan.
The data shows that after heat-treatment, the dimensional stability of lumber is greatly improved, the EMC is reduced, and the weather resistant properties and durability to bio.
Test data were analyzed and evaluated as well. The result indicated that hydroxyapatite had very good bio-security.
Analytical algorithm, which is based on bio-optical model, represents the trends of algorithms in retrieving water quality parameters from remote sensing data.
"He said that because ants were exceptionally good" bio-indicators, "environmental experts could use the data to check if an entire ecosystem is healthy, based mostly on its ant population."
Our primary observation results may provide valuable data for development of the bio-engineering using the silkworm to produce protein medicine for human beings.
同时,培养细胞实验说明不同细胞的感 染和表达的特性不同。以上结果可以为利用家蚕生产生物药品的基因工程提供参考。
Our primary observation results may provide valuable data for development of the bio-engineering using the silkworm to produce protein medicine for human beings.
同时,培养细胞实验说明不同细胞的感 染和表达的特性不同。以上结果可以为利用家蚕生产生物药品的基因工程提供参考。